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Posts posted by BlacRyu

  1. Just remember to put the DayZbeta.cmd file in your main OA folder then just double click the cmd file and it will launch the beta version of Arma2.

    By default it will launch Arma2 OA in windowed mode. You can press Alt + Enter to get it to go full screen. Once in the main menu go down to the expansions option and make sure @DayZ has a green box next to it.

    Oh btw, your main OA folder if using the steam version will be here C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\

    Thanks, seems to be working now.

  2. You just have to update....doesnt matter if you use the Swedish mirror or the US one

    Update what? I just downloaded the latest version of the DayZ files from http://armafiles.info/dayz/ using the latest.torrent, and I just downloaded ARMA 2:CO through steam, which should give me the latest version as well. There is no option to update ARMA II when I launch it.

    This link is quite helpful too - http://dayz.sykotix....client-install/

    I'll try this, though it's downloading at only 16 kb/s for some reason and there aren't any mirrors... Not sure why this wasn't listed in any of the installation guides I read though.

  3. I'm having this issue as well. I just installed ARMA 2 and Operation Arrowhead and followed the steam installation guide here. When I run the game all the DayZ servers have a red X on the left and a red version number (1.62+) in the bottom right. If I click join with any server selected nothing happens. On my main menu in the bottom right it says "Version: 1.60.87580". There wasn't anything in any of the installation instructions I read about needing to update the game, and Steam should handle that automatically anyways, so what am I missing here?

    Also, I downloaded the DayZ files from the SWE mirror, as the US one give me a 403 Forbidden error. Not sure if this matters.
