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About Sincerely

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  1. Sincerely

    Pending Update: Build

    So you're saying that if my game freeze and my Esc button wont help, i will get warnings for alt-f4?
  2. No they don't, they only spawn in military barracks.
  3. Sincerely

    Some basic questions

    But maybe you had grup channel or something on, always see that u have direct communication on. Or maybe there may be something with the settings in game, or the mic? I hope i've been to any help. Good Luck Mate!
  4. Sincerely

    Some basic questions

    Your character may get a little bit more hungry or thirsty while your offline for a long time, so make sure that u got food and water when u get back. And i don't think ur voice chat is broken, try changing the channel with you "," key. And use direct communication, also the person u want to talk to needs to be atleast 40m within ur range.
  5. Sincerely

    Horrible Massive Lag Spikes

    Have you tried update your graphic drivers, maybe that's the problem? Can u also please post what setting u use on the game when its lagging?
  6. Dont u have any feelings? U killed one of the few nice ppl in Dayz, now he will never trust anyone again.. :( It's ppl like u who ruin the game..
  7. Sincerely

    Snipers = Shoot on sight

    You have already been shot, you just thought that u disconnected, but in reality u have already been shot. You're just in a coma believing that u Disconnected.
  8. I did read your post, but only because they're not in the loot table doesn't mean that they have been taken out of the game completely. Because i have seen players finding ghillie suits, and not ghillies that other people have dropped. It's really weird that they're not in loot table, but they're definitely not gone.
  9. That do sound really weird and suspicious, i would say that's it probably the admin who did something or some one hacking. Im not 100% sure though. And how i got it, the Ghillie suits are still in the game, but they deleted them from the crash sites. Even though the Dayzdb isn't showing them.
  10. I think they still spawn, but they removed the Ghillie suits from the heli crash sites.
  11. I think. As long as you have saved the tent, and ur character is alive the tent will be there on that server until you die. But you or someone else will need to add/remove items every 7 days. If it's untouched for 7 days it will disappear.. But the server can eat the tent if ur unlucky.
  12. Sincerely

    Looking for some teamwork players.

    Excuse me i accidentally posted here, and it sems that i can't delete the post. So if u will be a nice guy and delete this post, i would appreciate it. And i hope that u find a partner to play with! :)
  13. Sincerely

    IF this was an actual game...

    Purchase once only, that will bring more players! Let's say 35$~ If its monthly fee, u might lose players and ppl maybe won't even buy it. f2p, is shit, it will ruin the game.. Studio developed let's get shit real! Maybe a little bit off both, id really love to see people actually get banned for hacking! Kickstarter!! :)
  14. Sincerely

    Where to start?

    I had a friend! ;) But why don't u head to the Survival HQ and try to find someone to play with, i'm sure someone would love to accompany on ur journey, and teach u how the game works! Good luck and have fun!