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Everything posted by WargameKlok

  1. WargameKlok

    Random Venting

    1 car tire. 1 FUCKING CAR TIRE. I was with a small squad of veteran players, we knew what we were doing and where to look. We farmed a couple sites. We ran back and forth between industrial buildings farming and looking. I think it took us close to 2 hours to find one and get it back to the car. As we were fixing it we all got killed by a mother fucking script kiddie. FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK
  2. WargameKlok

    How bad is the hacking in this game?

    Then you might wanna give this one a pass. If you change your mind about being exploded by hackers then jump on in and give it a try
  3. WargameKlok

    can´t we get a little 1.7.3 teaser please ? :(

    You didn't get the memo? Alpha mod test is complete. Stand Alone is in progress! Please stay tuned for further information as it developes.
  4. We need a mod to sticky the Compensation Sign Up topic. The way I see it I've been playing the mod for a couple months so Rocket is into me for about 50 bucks (negotiable, I'm not an asshat). I have a PayPal acct. just PM me when I can expect money.
  5. WargameKlok

    can´t we get a little 1.7.3 teaser please ? :(

    The alpha mod can't be fixed so no use wasting time on 1.7.3 Please just focus on the stand alone
  6. It's aggravating to say the least. I was stupid enough to log into a server last night thinking my geared up character would spawn in central Chenarus which is where I logged off, but noooooo, the game decided to kill me before I was finished spawning, just Loading recieving Loading recieving set up complete, Wargameklok got killed, WTF? Again? Really? Fortunately some mates came down, helpedgear me up and I duped their NVGs and GPS so I could start where I left off. That's right you nerds I DUPED stuff and continued my mission. To hell with starting all over again with nothing for no reason. Dupitty DUPE DUPE DUPE :D
  7. WargameKlok

    Free Helicopter

    yeah, looks to be down for good. not even showing on commander. oh well, another one bites the dust
  8. WargameKlok

    Free Helicopter

  9. WargameKlok

    "No pvp" server

    This /\
  10. WargameKlok

    Free Helicopter

    Oh, Please tell me you have fraps of that! Please :) My in game name is [PWN]WarGameKlok. Since I'm a "test" member of that organization the tag may be removed at any second due to general douche baggery, poor taste, bad jokes etc. etc. As for Salty, I'd consider it a great favor if you and your mates would shoot him until he is dead. I'll take over the abuse of his bullet riddled corpse as soon as I am able. :)
  11. WargameKlok


    Thank you :)
  12. I'm glad this topic made it back to the forum. Now I know of several servers to stay away from. Thanks to the OP for bringing this to our attention and to the mods for their restraint.
  13. WargameKlok

    "No pvp" server

    LMAO, see? I told you it wouldn't work :)
  14. WargameKlok

    Well.... f***

    Nope, just a black hole that you can lose all your gear in.
  15. WargameKlok

    Free Helicopter

    I spawned at Elektro near sunrise and tried to run north from the west side if that helps, got shot by the guy on the bike. Honestly I didn't see the player name but am referring to the side chat/text chat whatever the hell it's called. There was a huge celebration over my execution, not sure if server log records that stuff but if it does take a look ( if it does, please PM me a copy of the dialogue so that I can use it in my sig :D). Still though, although my team mate was not amused I thought the trash talk was fucking hilarious, given that I consider myself to be the King of trash talk. Good stuff guys :D Please don't take my comments the wrong way as I'm still laughing as I write this :) Good times are to be had on 571. And remember, revenge is a dish best served cold mwahahaha
  16. WargameKlok

    "No pvp" server

    See, this is just what I'm talking about. Who the hellis going to read and abide by all those rules? And who is going to enforce it? Ain't gonna happen. Nevertheless I wish them luck.
  17. WargameKlok

    Betrayed. On tape.

    flavour windows? LOL Me likes it. You're all a bunch of window lickers. :) Seriously tho, if you think an item is hacked, destroy it like the other guy said.
  18. WargameKlok

    "No pvp" server

    I would love to try a real no PvP server because I think it would greatly change the game dynamics and provide a new experience within DayZ. However I don't think it's possible for a server like that to exist.
  19. WargameKlok

    Betrayed. On tape.

    Now you know. There's no reason to trust a geared out guy in a Ghillie.
  20. I got shot and killed by a real player last night!!! He just walked right up to me and busted a couple caps in my dome. No hacks no scripts. Refreshing really, I can't remember the last time that happened.
  21. This rings true to my ears. I would assume that programmers would leave place holders whilst brainstorming a project. Also, Rocket has already admitted that he is trying to destroy this mod as well as all those who play it, although I forget which topic that was in. Here is his quote: "...I'm doing it for the lulz :)"
  22. WargameKlok

    Free Helicopter

    It might be a little more sporting to let me get off the beach before your boys fill me full of lead, I hope my bandage helped. LOL You guys wear the DT tag, right? That's ok though, it's all good and I do enjoy a challenge.
  23. WargameKlok

    Free Helicopter

    Thanks for everything, looking forward to killing you all as soon as possible. I mean that in a good way.
  24. WargameKlok

    Tickle me Rocket?!

    He mentioned somewhere that he was finishing up importing data into the engine. Prolly nothing to screen shoot yet.
  25. WargameKlok

    For People Who Can't Drive Without 3DP

    Ok, thanks for that tip. Still tho, when I'm sitting in the drivers seat of the Ural it seems like my character is sitting very high in the seat, FOV is limited when facing a rise in topography. Makes it hard to pick a safe route.