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Everything posted by WargameKlok

  1. WargameKlok

    Anyone still play DayZ??

    Not as many players and fewer everyday. There will be a lot fewer on the 31st when the alphas open for WarZ and The Dead Linger. The DayZ population will explode again when the stand alone is released.
  2. WargameKlok

    Hooked at 50

    sounds good. I'd PM you about that but your settings don't allow forum members to private message you.
  3. WargameKlok

    need a partner

    I'll hook up with you this evening PST if you have a mic and Skype.Use dayzcommander to download the Lingor map. PM me your Steam name and I'll send you a friend request.
  4. WargameKlok

    Strange goings on in Dayz today

    It's getting crazy on Chernarus pub servers and its hardly worth even playing them anymore. I was silly enough to log on to US 1987 and was instantly teleported to the debug plains, into a pile of dead bodies before I had finished spawning. I logged onto a different server and spawned in Kamenka. Again. I had nothing but my Alice pack, empty of course. On my way to Zelenogorsk I noticed my levels flashing and realized that my levels (food/water/blood) hadn't reset. Thank god for the TMW medics :) Luckily for me I had been exchanging PMs with some of the forum members and a very nice person invited me to join him on a Lingor server(which is a mao I'm not very familiar with) where he picked me up, helped me loot some decent gear and then I found a car! Sweet :) So now I'm Ridin' Dirty in Lingor :) I also got white listed on a private hive server that evening so when I'm in the mood for Chernarus I think I'll go that route.
  5. WargameKlok

    Medics that need supplies look here

    I need supplies but nobody is on TS.
  6. WargameKlok

    Survivors Helping Survivors: A Mission

    PMd you EDIT I 've applied.
  7. at deerstand north east of Pavlovo PM me if you can help
  8. WargameKlok

    Need medic assistance

    Many thanks to Dispatcher TMW rtm416 and Medic TMW Greylien for saving me and also to forum member ArmedandReady for the offer of assistance. Thank you all!
  9. WargameKlok

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Many many many Thanks to Dispatcher TMW rtm416 and Medic TMW Greylien for saving my sorry ass in Chernarus! Thanks guys! :)
  10. WargameKlok

    DayZ Standalone Game - Questions

    When the fuck will the stand alone be released to US? That's my question.
  11. WargameKlok

    Meanwhile, at the office..

    Epic lulz
  12. WargameKlok

    Need morphine

    Might I refer you to this topic? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/97212-medics-in-lingor/
  13. It's all about white listing now.
  14. Where is the server? EU, UK, US ? Ah, French server, I'd get ping kicked for sure
  15. Damn, that was fast. I'll let the rest of the PWNography clan know how on top of things you guys are. I'll log on and see you guys shortly! :)
  16. I've registered and applied to get white listed. How long does that process take?
  17. WargameKlok

    Fun With Hackers

    Camping that airfield doesn't look like much fun.
  18. Fortysomething here, If you have a mic,am close to my age and are looking to squad up send me a PM.
  19. WargameKlok

    Should they disable spawning in kamenka?

    For me it's a case of Been there, done that. I seem to spawn in Kamenka about 65% of the time. It got old.
  20. WargameKlok

    So inland spawn points how about it?

    It certainly would change the dynamic of the game. I wonder how difficult it would be to change the respawn code.
  21. WargameKlok

    DayZ is a joke in its current form

    Not even close nor is it worth explaining on this forum, however if you're looking to do something other than the KoS thing and would like to work with a dedicated squad, PM me and we'll set up a time to chat about it on VOIP.
  22. WargameKlok

    Thankyou Battleye!

    Beans for your positive but I think you've just been lucky. The other guy is correct, the ESP and teleporting thing that they use to ruin our sessions haven't been addressed yet. Or, please tell me I'm wrong.
  23. WargameKlok

    DayZ is a joke in its current form

    Please stop making excuses for the "hang out in Cherno/Elektro KoSing" mentality. I've talked to many people about it and none of your excuses hold water. I can list tactics that a squad can use but you would just stop responding. Because KoSing in Cherno/Elektro is just what you guys like to do. Fucking just admit it already, you're not fooling anybody here with excuses. So few are honest enough to admit that KoS everything on the coast is simply how they enjoy the game. Embrace your play style FFS and stop makng excuses. /end rant
  24. WargameKlok

    Prefix as role indicator.

    I gear up and play as a Medic so it may work for me but expecting honesty is a high ideal certainly unobtainable in the alpha mod, however I would be very interested to see this idea implemented in the stand alone in a way that has consequences. For instance a player who wears a Medic tag but is in actuality a bandit can run around the server with a "Liar Liar Pants on Fire" thought bubble over his head for the entertainment of the population or something like that.
  25. WargameKlok

    DayZ is a joke in its current form

    i hear you man. Many of us greatly enjoy this game and are frustrated by it's limitations, you are not alone. Many people are playing other games until the stand alone is released. Others have changed tactics to fit the current play styles. There are some good suggestions in this topic that you can use if you want to continue playing.