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Everything posted by WargameKlok

  1. Vehicles and the gear stored within seem to be saving properly in servers. Just make sure you save the vehicle before you log off.
  2. WargameKlok

    New Player story/experience

    I like the cut of your jib, mister. Sending you a PM.
  3. WargameKlok

    Hey you!

    New to the forums? You got 268 posts :S You just pissed in my corn flakes buddy and I'm mad as hell. Just...just....just FUCKYOU i'm mad as hell. :/ obvious post fail is obvious. obviously
  4. WargameKlok

    Hey you!

    Wait. What? You posted in the Survivor forum to start a bandit squad. Da fuck is wrong with you, son?
  5. WargameKlok

    How do I play now that i'm fully geared

    @OP Do what I did. Start getting white listed as a Medic. Gear up with all your meds, food/drink and ammo. Find a patient and get a big rush if you complete your mission without getting shot in the back. Seriously, it's a bigger rush than a dime bag of crack rock!
  6. Did you also throw up in your mouth because i sure did. @OP I think this is a wonderful idea and I would also like some bitches to run with, maybe a little stable of bitches so that there's always one around. You bitches must be: Good lookin, because I likes my bitches fine, not like some fugly old troll with missing toofesis. My bitches gotta work: Because I don't and I gots to eat, right? My bitches need to be good looters: because I'm tired and don't wanna have to do everything myself. Please PM me so that we can get this party started!
  7. WargameKlok

    Takistan - Is it fun?

    Oh you are soooo gonna get my Beans for breaking out da smalls!
  8. WargameKlok

    Takistan - Is it fun?

    Tanks and zombies, HELL YEAH BITCHES, count me in! :)
  9. Ouch, I feel for you, angelus. That's truly frustrating. Get a couple pals to run with so that that type of situation has less of a chance of occuring.
  10. WargameKlok

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    He's fixed up, just hasn't posted anything.
  11. WargameKlok

    Where is all cars?

    I'm going to have to drive to LA and slap the shit out of you for even suggesting that. Afterwards let's go to Phillipes for some Beef Sammiches. YUM! You up for it?
  12. WargameKlok

    Yahtzee "Zero Punctuation" reviews Dayz

    Good stuff, PCGamer should have kept him on.
  13. Now this is what I'm talking about. What's your website and server info?
  14. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Good one :D @OP I feel you, man. It makes sense to give the base game a try and it's a good suggestion.
  15. WargameKlok

    Spawning in with broken bones and I'm bleeding?

    where do you spawn?
  16. WargameKlok

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm trying to get white listed. PM me and I'll try to help you.
  17. If your team is hanging out in Cherno and the other coastal locations shooting everything that moves YOU'RE A BANDIT CLAN. Please post in the appropriate sub forum. For fucks sake man, don't be posers, embrace who you are. The fact is, no new players want to waste their time going through your application process just to log on with a new team and find out you're Bandits. That's very NOT COOL. Understand? You are wasting peoples time. Thanks for listening.
  18. WargameKlok

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Medics, thank you all for the PMs and offers of assistance. I was already done playing for the evening before I heard from you guys. Nevertheless thank you all and keep up the good work! :)
  19. Medics, thank you guys for all the PMs. I was already done playing for the evening before you all replied but thank you all very much for your offers of assistance. Hopefully I'll not need a medic again (yeah right) but if I do you'll hear from me. Keep up the good work! Peace :)
  20. WargameKlok

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    still need a medic
  21. I could really use some help. I can PM coordinates. thanks
  22. WargameKlok

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I could really use some help from a [TMW] medic. If any of you are available please PM me for details. Thank you