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Everything posted by Vittek

  1. Vittek

    Why the radio silence?!?

    Any news regarding the broken HIVE at that causes alot of servers not to save vehicles and tents?
  2. How about this: Downgrade to, get all vehicles into a camp, fill it with goodies. Then save everything and update to and voila, you now have a camp that cannot be destroyed cause everything will reset back after a restart. The hive is fucking you? well fuck it right back.
  3. Hey! Guess what's still not fixed? Keeping this bumped.
  4. Bumping this cause we also still have the issue, and by now I'm about the only one left playing of our group cause everyone else can't be bothered anymore finding and repairing vehicles cause they despawn anyway. Nice going there DayZ Team.
  5. Cause it's either rolling back, or playing with tents and vehicles (If you're lucky enough to have any on your server)? The only thing that really bugs me here is the lack of answer from any dayZ staff. This is a severe problem that affects many servers and drives people either away to take a break till it's fixed or not play anymore at all. Cause here's the truth: Vehicles, camps are pretty much as "End game" as it gets right now and removing that pretty much rips the soul out of the game. So what you wanna do? Keep using the broken patch for the sake of "Testing" or rollback and have your cars back? Cause there isn't anything to say that hasn't been said yet, it's a HIVE issue that apparently affects instances higher than a certain number. As long there isn't a statement of some sort that the dev team is aware of the issue, I see no other way than to NOT use the patch.
  6. We "fixed" it by rolling back to dayZ HIVE 7.2. At least stuff saves now.
  7. Same issue on our dedicated server... Did anyone roll back to and see if the HIVE saves then?
  8. Same issue since the Patch. Not only do vehicle save no more, it's also that the vehicles that got previously destroyed (Before the patch), are not respawning again. Also sometimes the HIVE switches position of random vehicles around. This is on a dedicated server, fully updated. And yeah if that isn't game breaking, then I don't know. The group I regularly play with has pretty much stopped to play, what's the point in gathering stuff if nothing saves? I hope the DayZ dev team is aware of this issue.
  9. Quoting this cause we have the exact same problem on our server. HIVE not saving vehicles, desytroyed ones never respawning again or switching them around like some crazy randomizer.
  10. I'm having some HIVE (7.3) issues since the latest patch. 1. Destroyed Vehicles don't respawn, waiting for over a week now. 2. During a server restart, the position of saved vehicles gets switched, that's right, log out besides a motorbike, and after the next server restart it's a bus! Anyone else having that issue?
  11. I'm admin on 2 german servers, both running the latest HIVE vers and beta patch, yet: The vehicle inventory resets every server restart, the vehicles themself save fine. And the chopper also despawns every server restart. We fixed it now 5 times! So much fun! Not.