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About token123

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  1. For all the Players out there bored of getting killed everytime you say friendly and you want to team up with a lot of people to have fun in the game!! Ask me i am starting a new player team ITS FOR EVERYONE I don't care if you have no weapons join us!!! Add- Skype- Idkwhatyouknow on skype!!!
  2. token123

    New update ...

    I still play its just hard to go places that i would like to loot and most looted places have the artifacts i did something in my profile like sceneComplexity=100000; it helps a lot go to documents-Arma 2 Yourname.Arma2oaprofile open it with notepad ++ or anything else notepad is the best thing to open it with Search SceneComplexity Set it to 100000 i dont know what happens if you set it to something lower then that.
  3. token123

    New update ...

    I can't even play this game its boring with the artifacts it ruins the game When ever i go near a dead military zombie there are artifacts i was hoping for it to be fixed in the new update but it hasn't the hole staff only fixed the bunny thing which i never even got artifacts from. PLEASE PLEASE FIX THE ARTIFACTS WITH MILITARY ZOMBIES IT RUINS THE GAME!
  4. Im Looking for a team i have skype i would like the team to have more then 3 people
  5. Skype:Idkwhatyouknow Im looking for a team i have night vision goggles,m16,Fn fal with mags,most of the equipment except toolbox,coyote backpack.
  6. wrong section sorry
  7. token123

    Starting a team in dayz

    Im From US
  8. token123

    Starting a team in dayz

    Kamen87 i would love to join your team but i cant im not 18 im 13
  9. token123

    Starting a team in dayz

    do you know any groups that i can join because i dont know what else to do
  10. token123

    Starting a team in dayz

    no im just looking for players but i dont want new players with nothing its not for gamebattles
  11. Looking for a team or starting one ethier one i got mumble ventrilo and skype