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About lorderous

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. lorderous

    broken leg stuck at castle

    thx to everyone who replied my life has been saved now
  2. lorderous

    broken leg stuck at castle

    fantastic u can either pm me or post on here i did add u on steam btw
  3. lorderous

    broken leg stuck at castle

    ya like i dont wanna spend the time crawling only to die halfway to the hospital if anyone could help me that would be great even if you dont have morphine someone could at least acompany on my crawl to a hospital ill give u a hatchet to defend us with lol
  4. lorderous

    broken leg stuck at castle

    ya im at rog
  5. lorderous

    broken leg stuck at castle

    LOL agreed ty and hey wat can i say do u rlly want me to just sit there all day or respawn and if it hlps i know its not devils castle
  6. anyone interested in saving a poor soul with a broken leg? lol i fell off the stairs and cant get out of the castle or even up the stairs not sure which castle it is tho i have no map but im a good soldier to have at ur side trust me someone come save me plz ill be back on at about 6:30 eastern time to check in on this