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Darkwater (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Darkwater (DayZ)

  1. Darkwater (DayZ)

    AS50/M107 used against light armored infantry?

    That one is obvious. That's what they were designed for. The problem is their insane power coupled with absolutely no reprecussions for wielding them, with the exception of your right side screen being slightly obscured by the rifle.. which is fixed by playing third person. I'm not raising the issue of having them removed, just altered in gameplay. It's far too easy to kill moving players, and if it's not easy it's just not punishment enough to waste ammo on no-risk/no-reward engagement (except the kill itself) when said ammo is supposed to be hard to find and far between.
  2. Darkwater (DayZ)

    AS50/M107 used against light armored infantry?

    That one I do agree with. Nothing is worse than seeing your sniper shot hit and then the bastard poofing away. And I never want the rifles to be nerfed in damage, it should stay as it is, just in a way that wouldn't want make you want to use it indiscriminately in any situation. Or if you absolutely want to hunt players with it, you should be penalized with something else, considering their sheer power and accuracy. Besides, the Alt-F4 goes both ways. What's holding back a AS50/M107 wielding sniper from Alt-F4ing if their position is given away and those Winchester/Lee Enfield wielding players want some payback?
  3. Darkwater (DayZ)

    the mysterious creature

    While I hope this is true, I just feel the absolute desire to start trolling players in the middle of the forest on night time, get on coms and use a voice warping program and start moaning and grunting whenever I see players. I hope it all turns ironic and I run into the real deal myself while trolling though.. that would be epic!
  4. Darkwater (DayZ)

    AS50/M107 used against light armored infantry?

    There never was an issue of it being legal or not. If it were illegal, there's no law in DayZ anyway, and people do what they need to survive. It's just that they use them indiscriminately in the game, against people who would not be a threat in any way, just going from point A to B, while the sniper is sitting in point Z on the completely opposite side. The reason for this is because they're powerhouses when it comes to accuracy and power ratio, the ammo is far to abundant, and the weapons are far to easily procured and handled. We do need weapons that are designed to take out vehicles in the game, since they are present.. but in that case it's a role that should be taken by a player that gives up shooting on-foot players where it is not neccessary.
  5. Darkwater (DayZ)

    AS50/M107 used against light armored infantry?

    I was to be a sniper/scout in the military before I was discharged (too poor eyesight and no need anywhere else for soldiers at the time, Norwegian military isn't all that big) and I heard something along those lines aswell, that the size and calibre of the sniper made it, if not "illegal", very frowned upon if used on human targets that were not either driving an armored vehicle or fiering a turret from a defensive position, but still the car itself would be the prime target. Glad to see people agree though, those snipers are very much overkill against a target moving on his/her own two feet ingame. I've been taken out myself by one while running across the field, a M107, and I ran in constant zigzag so I wasn't exactly a easy target. And a few other times aswell, I've probably died more to AS50 and M107 more than any other weapon ingame. The rifles require a dramatic change, or at the very least to carry one does. I like the idea of not being able to carry a backpack if wielding one of the two, but that alone would be a weak nerf in comparison to their massive power. Some gameplay changes to them would be required aswell, in terms of aiming and ammo. When the standalone game is released, I hope we'll see far fewer of these since the duping problem will hopefully be taken care of.
  6. Darkwater (DayZ)

    Racist names ingame

    Just after I read this topic and think to myself; "I haven't seen any yet", I log on a server ( can't quite remember the name other than it being a UK server) and see a guy with the catchy name Fatman Niggerfart. Of course, I never let him out of my sniper scope and you can imagine the end of it as soon as he climbed a ladder to loot a corpse on top of a building.
  7. Darkwater (DayZ)

    Death by login

    As the topic says, I died while logging in. So some more background; I played for a few hours on Norway 14 server, had a reasonably good start with a DMR in a military camp and got some good stuff from a player that unloaded his magazine on me and didn't hit me at all. Got a M4A1 CCO SD, Nighvision as was of course the meatiest of the loot. So you can imagine it was a nice thing to start off with after dying and loosing quite a fair bit of stuff just a few minutes earlier. If this stuff was or was not hacked/duped, I do not know. All I know is that I got it fair and square from someone that apparently couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Anyway, this happened in Cherno and I bailed north into the forest and then east to meet up with a friend of mine to play together when he finally managed to log in (which he in the end didn't, but that's not the issue here). As I get to Elektro, a few hundred metres north east of the barn that is to the west of the popular sniping point, I decided to log off to see if I couldn't find a better server for us to play on since my friend struggled with logging in. Well outside of the game and in the last window where you can click "OK" and go back into the game or click to get back to the main menu of ArmA2, I hear that he might be able to log in after all. Being one of the few active servers at that hour I decide to click that magic "OK" button and go back inside. And this is where shit hits the fan. As I log in, everything is normal, I hid in a tree, it was dark and no one should be able to find me, perfect, nothing to worry about here. Then, as the final message pops up, "Setup completed, please wait" I see the text saying "Wesker has died" (that is me) and I suddendly appear in the middle of the ocean. I loggofski and relog again, appearing at the shore, east of Elektro, but with absolutely no gear whatsoever. Not even a can of beans! Yet my stats still remain, 0 zombie kills (I hadn't killed any because Zeds deserve love too), 1 Murder (the twat tried to kill me first) and nothing else. It's obviously the same "life" and character, so why has my gear vanished? In the end, my friend didn't even get to log in, so what a waste that was, eh? So all in all, is this a common bug? My body was gone too. Did the tree kill me and eat my corpse?
  8. Darkwater (DayZ)

    Death by login

    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that, I have updated to the version. So it could very well be that... but it was just a sad timing for it to happen
  9. Darkwater (DayZ)

    Death by login

    I wish I was as lucky, but I seemed to have spent my luck on that start after dying a few minutes earlier. I'm still as naked as can be, the only thing preventing me from killing myself is the hope and wish that somehow my stuff will magically appear back again, which it has done on one occation a few weeks back. Now, my stuff isn't awesome cool and it does give me the fear of dying for a few days so to be without it is actually somewhat of a relief, but then again I want to be afraid of dying and I want to have to plan my raids on Elektro/Cherno without going in Winchester/Lee Enfield blazing.. which somehow always pans out better anyway.
  10. Darkwater (DayZ)

    Missing crosshair/ironsights

    Tried searching around for this, but couldn't quite find anyone sharing the same problem OR it isn't a problem at all and is working as intended.. though I have a hard time believing that. So as the topic says, I'm completely missing the crosshair, and that would be fine IF there was ironsights.. but there's not. I had crosshair at one point, but after using a hatchet it simply vanished to never appear again. Is there something I'm missing to make my character aim? Is it my settings being crappy? Or were the crosshair never supposed to be there to begin with and you actually have to get mods for your mod (hey dawg! heard you like mods..) to get them? It just makes it insanely hard to actually hit something without them, and I hope for a solution soon
  11. Darkwater (DayZ)

    Missing crosshair/ironsights

    Thank ya for the response, I do appreciate it. But what about the Lee Enfield (or the dinner bell as it has "affectionally" been named)? It quite clearly has the iron sights on it, but nothing happens when I rightclick, or any other rifle/weapon with ironsights.
  12. Darkwater (DayZ)

    Missing crosshair/ironsights

    So for the servers that have crosshair disabled, how to I aim with ironsights? As far as I can see, either all my mouse buttons are already used for something else, or not for anything at all. Is there a key on the keyboard to aim?