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Everything posted by hemp0325

  1. Ping stays around a 75ish, never really fluctuates....Always pretty steady
  2. hemp0325

    Looking for players to join our Community

    Sent you a FR on steam, name is iSketchyy
  3. Send me a friend request on Steam man, - iSketchyy
  4. Evictus I feel bad for you bro....I have read every post on this thread and I wish I had some secret I could tell you to help you out bro but I dont. I really hope you find a solution and get to playing man. Good luck :thumbsup:
  5. hemp0325

    FPS and Stuff

    I use a program called Game Booster 3 which helps boost the game and also has a section for showing FPS, taking screenshots and recording video. I would suggest downloading it, it's a fast easy install and when you play a game it helps boost the performance so the overall quality is good. And like Meateater stated, there will be a microphone that pops up on the left side of the screen when you talk.
  6. hemp0325

    Houses of Balota

    I have had some luck looting throughout Balota....The only suggestion that I can give to you is patrol on the outskirts of town and slowly make your way inside the town. But then again this can be used for every town but that's just my 2 cents.
  7. hemp0325

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

    Thank you so much for pointing this out to everybody Mornin. I will definitely try this out when I get home from work, kinda makes me wanna say fuk u guys at work to run home and play lol. But then I would die of starvation....
  8. hemp0325

    My first last stand/first bandit(s) kill.

    Thank you for the nice short story. Seems very exciting lol.
  9. hemp0325

    I need help

    Punctuation is your friend. Become friends with him, he will guide you through life.
  10. hemp0325


    I'm still getting kicked after completing all of these steps REPEATEDLY. So frustrating....
  11. hemp0325

    You were kicked off the game

    Can somebody possibly help me out with this problem? I don't use Six Updater/Six Launcher because a friend of mine that I play with instructed me to use DayZCommander. On the top right it has versions, once you click on versions it states that both Arma 2 and DayZ are out of date and below it you can click install latest revision/patch. When I try and click on those buttons nothing happens, it doesn't even recognize that Im trying to click. Should I just use Six Updater/Six Launcher or just use DayZCommander. I'm not sure which one is better or what not so hopefully you guys can point me in the right direction or give me some advice. Thank you in advance.
  12. hemp0325

    You were kicked off the game

    Thank you all for the responses, and thank you again especially for not being dicks in regards to helping out us noobs when we come across an issue that we don't know how to resolve. Thank you both again, you shall have my beans. :)
  13. Sounds good, I'll head on over there shortly.
  14. [color=#ffffff]Name:Nate [left][color=#ffffff]Nickname:Sketchy [left][color=#ffffff]Age: 27 [left][color=#ffffff]Location:US Louisiana [left][color=#ffffff]Timezone: CST [left][color=#ffffff]Activity:I play almost every day in the evening time because of work. [left][color=#ffffff]Additional info: I'm relatively new to the game but am loving every moment of it, even when I die lol. I have realized that playing with friends will be so much more fun and am looking for a community to join to do so. Not only in this game but as well other games. [left][color=#ffffff]Have you read, agreed and fully understand all of 5th Element's rules and regulations? SIR YES SIR! My name on Steam is iSketchyy but my in game Day Z game is Nate. Not sure if I made all of that clear, but I'll be online tonight if you or someone is interested in playing. Hope to play soon!
  15. hemp0325

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    I would love some assistance...My name I use is Nate