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About hemp0325

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Shreveport, Louisiana
  1. hemp0325

    What does this item do exactly

    I'm sure it'll have purpose in the full game but as of right now, nothing. It does kinda look cool with other stuff on.
  2. hemp0325

    HELP ME D:

    I see what you did there lol....
  3. hemp0325

    Dayz Standalone Graphic Guide for better FPS

    Did you think that just maybe, he did it to help out other people who weren't getting good FPS?
  4. hemp0325

    Run? Please no anger. :S

    Post it in the sticky Can I Run It. You might get a quicker response, and less trolling.
  5. This isn't call of duty or some other FPS where you have load outs. You actually have to work for your stuff in this game.
  6. hemp0325

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Hey Terminal Boy, can you tell me about my configuration please?
  7. hemp0325

    Dayz Beautiful pictures of skins, sun and landscape

    404 Not Found. I agree.....stunning
  8. hemp0325

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Desktop or laptop? Desktop Monitor resolution: 1440 x 900 (Native Resolution) CPU: AMD FX-8120 Graphics card: GeForce GTX 550 TI RAM:* 8 GB SSD? (Yes/No) NO I'm planning on doing a GPU upgrade sometime in the near future but money is an issue. I'd like to get a GTX 770 but to be honest, I don't know if I'll be able to afford it. So what would be a nice considerable upgrade that I would really notice? Also I would really appreciate it if someone could help me configure the in game settings AND the config files to get the best FPS and best picture quality. I know I'm not gonna be able to run on Very High but I'd like to run better than Very Low. Thank you for your time and patience and insight with whoever decides to help me.
  9. hemp0325

    Why is the game in real time?

    Umm night time is in the game. Almost 75% of my time played has been played at night. I get off work at 7 PM and played from 9PM to 1AM and it was all night time gameplay.
  10. hemp0325

    Gettin' Yo Blood Back Yo!

    Also once you've eaten just take a break and sit back and relax in a safe area. Press F3 and make sure you don't have anything in your hands.
  11. hemp0325

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    Yea Rocket just tweeted saying Steam is having issues with authentication or something of that nature. Hopefully the issue will get resolved soon.
  12. hemp0325

    Help me please !!

    Pull up http://www.dayzdb.com in your in game browser and just use that as a reference. Click on Maps up top, then click on SA-Chernarus.
  13. hemp0325

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    Has anybody configured all of the settings inside the Nvidia Control Panel? I have a GTX 550 TI currently and am struggling for good frames at the moment. Maybe there is something in the Nvidia control panel I can change or configure to boost a little bit more fps out of my rig.
  14. hemp0325

    Spawn reset overnight? Screwed me over. :(

    Rocket is aware of this issue. It has occured to me SEVERAL times and at the moment there is nothing that we can do to rid ourselves of this issue. It sucks man I know...
  15. I was wondering where you guys have had some luck in finding some night vision goggles. I have found that these are the hardest item in the game to find other than satchel charges, for me at least. I have never actually FOUND a pair of night vision goggles, but a friend of mine has given me 1 or 2 before. So if you have ever found some nvg's somewhere can you please let me know so I can possibly start searching those locations for some. Thanks in advance.