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Everything posted by Shleal226

  1. Shleal226

    people to play with :)

    im looking for peeps who play this a lot it gets kinda boring by yourself anyone wanna join up???:) Friendly?!?!?!?
  2. Shleal226

    Grouping up anyone?

    my skype is shleal0218
  3. Shleal226

    Grouping up anyone?

    add me on steam shleal225 and we can all try and meet up
  4. Shleal226

    Grouping up anyone?

    lol ok i have xbox live but my machine is far from my xbox haha i have skype but i dont really know how to use it
  5. Shleal226

    Looking for other survivors!!

    it wont let me add you guys but i would love to join haha my steam is shleal225
  6. Shleal226

    Grouping up anyone?

    ok cool just let me know when you can add me on steam my steam name is shleal225
  7. Shleal226

    Grouping up anyone?

    ok got it now what?
  8. Shleal226

    Grouping up anyone?

    just downloaded skype i have vent but i dont have a server
  9. Shleal226

    Looking for group.

    dude i added you on steam my name should be shleal226 like this or lonekiller225
  10. Shleal226

    Grouping up anyone?

    im on us 641 any way you can chat to meet up besides Skype haha
  11. Shleal226

    Grouping up anyone?

    also i dont have skype...
  12. Shleal226

    Grouping up anyone?

    im down lets do this what server are you on?
  13. and i dont know who is doing it and i just installed everything ive been trying to play since 4 a.m and i dont know what to do.... can anyone help me?
  14. Do I use that even if I have steam?
  15. Oh and it says you have been kicked
  16. no i used steam i bought everything last night and installed it using the guide and it works i just get kicked there is no error message