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Posts posted by Shleal226

  1. Looking for a strong group to party up with? WELL LOOK NO FURTHER! We have about 7 other squad mates and are looking for others! This could be your chance! Requirements: 15 or older, Must be mature, game experience of atleast 2 weeks and 12 hours of gameplay time, musst be good leader and follower, AND MUST OBEY COMMANDS! :)

    ADD ME ON STEAM! : WCG Crafty OR 0970Haloman

    it wont let me add you guys but i would love to join haha my steam is shleal225

  2. Hey, Yesterday i had NV goggles, ghillie suit, AS50. And lost it all to some noob camping the tree line at NW Airstrip. I'm so sick of exactly what you guys have been talking about. And i would like to join you guys. make a Trio.

    Currently i have a DMR, and a silened M4 in my bag. My style is Stealth, or 1 shot 1 kill from a distance.

    If you guys need another mate for overwatch / sniping, id love to fufill the role, Also i don't know if this matters but i was in the military for 4 years, and i have plenty of combat experience. My Steam is Evilpookie

    dude i added you on steam my name should be shleal226 like this or lonekiller225
