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About OttS

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Definitely something I'd like. How exactly would I go about joining it? Any other way aside from ventrilo (IE Steam, Skype etc)?
  2. Would I be able to request on behalf of a friend as well? I know I'd kill for a server without scripts/hacks, especially if you have that script to prevent ALT + F4ing, positive he would as well. I ran into 2 people with hacked in weapons, and one guy that ALT + F4ed after shooting at me, on top of being TPed 13,000m away from Kamenka while trying to help said friend who was perma unconscious on the coast near Kamenka, and that was just on one low pop server. Not entirely sure how the private hives work, but even if we have to start from scratch, we'd prefer that over hackers any day of the week.
  3. It most definitely has not. Friend sniped a guy in Vybor and his body disappeared a minute after, before we could even go loot it. 1.7.3/95208.
  4. Ahh. Friends usually log in with me, and they haven't experienced this, very weird. Unpreventable then? Damn.
  5. This has happened 3 times and it was funny the first time, but it's getting a bit ridiculous and annoying now. The TL;DR is: I log out in the wilderness near my camp (with full blood, no shock, not being shot at etc). Log in on another server, and get the message "name has been killed", before I even get to see my character or am fully loaded in. I then get the little score screen showing the people on the server, no death screen, and spawn back on the coast with all my items intact, missing nothing. Basically it just moves me to the coast with all my items, after saying I was killed, when I logged out alive with full stats. What the hell is causing this and how can I stop it? It's really really annoying.