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Everything posted by mad_orbitz

  1. mad_orbitz

    What is it with people...?

    I have came to learn to not trust anyone no matter what. I shoot anyone I do no know, I play with my two buddies I know in real life and we do not take any chances. I can tell between a newb player and a well equipped player by how they react to other players. Most new players will not try to harm you because they are are usually not armed. My tip to new players would be shoot first ask questions later. I had a guy run past me in cherno and he had a M249 and he opened fire on me once he got in the sniper building. I saw him later on the roof trying to get to the highest point and I shot him. Thank god he was a bad shot.
  2. mad_orbitz

    No longer a new player

    Lol Yea I killed a cow on my way to Stary Sober and I cant find any matches XD. I also found a deer stand but only a AK-74u was on top of it.
  3. I'll add you tomorrow on my steam. I am also looking for groups of players to hang out with and maybe raid some airfields.
  4. Every time I step foot into elektrozavodsk I get killed. I can come from the hills, Cherno, and Otmet side and I always get sniped. I can always hear the sniper shot every time even If i am in a building and get hit through a window.
  5. Looking for a group of survivors or bandits, I am tired of playing through and dyeing just to redo it all over again. Want help and want to take over a server! We can take over elektro and cherno! I also have a mic and willing to download mumble, skype, vent, ect.
  6. mad_orbitz

    How can you tell if people are cheating?

    It is everywhere including in the city. I was on top of the hospital building laying down and I was hit.
  7. mad_orbitz


    Hello i found a map earlier today and for some reason i cannot find myself on it anymore...It showed my position and now i cannot see where I am at on the map. Any help?
  8. mad_orbitz


    Ah I see I did not know the servers did that. So what server names should i look for to know which ones have map locations and which ones do not?
  9. mad_orbitz

    My first day....

    Today I found 2 friendly survivors and then I ran into 3 more. We successfully went through a together and raided everything we could. Lol well two of the guys find weapons and start killing us, so beware of the friendly/non-friendly survivors out there to get a leg up on you as soon as they find weapons.
  10. lol same i bought it when it was like 20% off a few days ago XD