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Everything posted by mad_orbitz

  1. mad_orbitz

    Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?

    I would rather lose my loot to a bandit than a hacker. I think we should be able to cry about hackers because I worked hard for the loot I have and then some script kiddie runs by and kills me. There is no justice for killing me just because it is fun, this script kiddie can easily spawn my gear on him without the hassle. It is just the fact I walked into the NW airfield multiple times to find NVGs and then I am killed with-in seconds do to a hacker.
  2. mad_orbitz

    Im done, hackers win...

    yes but you take like 30 minutes to run north to be teleported to a field with hackers shooting at you. Then you start the cycle over again so they can do it again. Not everyone has unlimited amount of time to play this game so they want to achieve what they can in the amount of time they can do it in.
  3. mad_orbitz

    is this any good?

    Keep it! it is pretty rare :P
  4. I agree with everyone on here. Although I think private servers should not be hive because you can gear up move to a server and slaughter everyone. Then do it all over again when you die. Would still play if the server was private and not connected to the hive.
  5. mad_orbitz

    How many tents are on your server?

    Raini the sweetest person in dayZ
  6. mad_orbitz

    graphic errors

    It seems like it has been getting worse, anyway to fix this problem? Always seems to happen at barracks and stary sobor tents. I always have to log out reset the game and go back in, kind of annoying.
  7. mad_orbitz

    What happens if I find a hacked gun, or vehicle?

    I know two people who took hacked weapons and their characters were stripped and relogged. You basically start from a fresh spawn again if they catch you with hacked gear. I know some one in real life who took a G36 SD off of a body and I told him it wasn't on the DayZ wiki page so it has to be hacked. He had it for about 3 days and one day he logged in and he spawned on the shore. We pretty much get on US servers that have 10-30 people max and we live in the north fields/woods, I doubt he was killed while logging in.
  8. So today me and 3 of my friends were running down black mountain when all of us suddenly had the shock symbol. As we were running we would stop and hear foot steps (hacker ghosting). So I act like nothing is wrong and we continue on. As we enter these woods I hear huge explosions so all of drop to the ground and it almost sounded like a dam bomb run from a jet. Scared the piss out of me and then all of the sudden over the game chat I hear "Hey can I join you guys?" so I answer where are you and look around. All of us are in a circle pointed outwards and he appears in the center of us!! I was terrified of him so he asked the same question. So I answered yes if you don't kill us (we were planning on DCing right there.) So to distract him I asked him what else he could do and he said he can spawn weapons. So I ask him to spawn me a G36 SD and while he is doing it I told everyone to log out via skype. Probably one of the most scariest moments I have ever had and this life I am on now has been 3-4 days of living so I have some pretty good stuff. Hackers are starting to become more often and it makes me scared to play on random servers, guess I'll stick to main servers I usually get on.
  9. mad_orbitz

    Why do people call them zeds

    watch out we got a bad ass over here
  10. mad_orbitz

    Looking For Mature North American Players!

    I am interested in joining your group. I am pretty set on gear besides range finders and a NVG. I do have a night vision scoped weapon though. I am not a huge fan in killing people because I feel bad but I will snipe groups of players if they know where I am at because most players in groups kill on sight since they do not need anyone in their group. Also kill players that have a sniper out since most snipers are not "zombie" killing weapons. Edit: I am 22 years old, I work 2nd shift (3pm-11pm) so not sure if I play with you guys a lot during nights.
  11. mad_orbitz

    Hold Melee and Ranged Weapon

    It has, the ammo just stays in your immediate inventory. I have a CZ and a FN Fal, pretty much keep both the ammos in my immediate inventory.
  12. mad_orbitz


    I use turtle beach x12's lol I can hear you take a poop in an outhouse and tell you the size by the splash. In all seriousness the headset has like 8 speakers and the noise will only come into which ear the shots are coming from so if the shots came from the right up high then you would hear it in your head set in the same way. So basically I would look right and then up when I get to cover.
  13. mad_orbitz

    Every kill in DayZ is fair

    dont forget weapons. I killed a guy for a M16 because I had a dam winchester.
  14. we need to appease the hacker gods
  15. I have a ghillie but my weapon right now is CZ sniper and FN Fal with night vision. I need something more than those.
  16. mad_orbitz

    Lonewolf: What do I do after I get my gear?

    Running lone wolf gets boring after awhile. Should get some friends or join a clan?
  17. mad_orbitz

    Don't trust em!

    lol that happens like 99.99% of the time when I spawn.
  18. Found this in a chopper today :D....sucks during the day though lol. screenshot: http://tinypic.com/r/23jsmrl/6
  19. mad_orbitz

    battle at the barracks

    Yea me and a friend tried to go into the barracks at the same time and i glitched on the roof. You can see a bench by the second and third window, he told me to crawl head first off the roof into the bench and you fall off without getting hurt or breaking your legs.
  20. mad_orbitz

    My Terrible FA comic for Dayz

    lmao sounds like my games I play. Think the longest I have lived so far I think is 2 days IRL. I always go to NW airfield and die lol, everytime I enter the fence I am always prepared to die after that :D.
  21. mad_orbitz

    [screenshot] My chopper find :D

    Lol plan on it. I had a CZ and switched it out for this FN Fal. What pistol you think is the best?
  22. mad_orbitz

    [screenshot] My chopper find :D

    worked for bahhh
  23. So today I go into NW airfield and I see no one camping in it or gun shots, I approach and I see a downed chopper so I sneak up to it. I think these 3 douche bags were camping it because they came up behind me and told me not to move and keep straight forward. I did as they say. 2 of them had ghilli suits and one had camo outfit. They had superior weapons, I had a bizon but they had tricked out M4s with silencers and what not. I ask them why rob me when you already have the gear. They open fire on me and kill me. So I spawn in elektro and being in a mood where I dont care I just run around town snatch and grab while zombies bite at my heels. As I am leaving elektro through the woods I find a few tents on the hills (sniper tents i guess). So of course I look into them. I find NVGs, GPS, map, coyote BP, hunting equipment to cook meat, and a M4A1 CCO SD, only 1 mag1 though. The tents had a huge amount of DMR mags so that is why i guessed it was a sniper camp out. Someone told me when you die your next life is much better :D. Dont be down when you die, just loot the crap out of everything.
  24. mad_orbitz

    EyeoftheYeti DayZ Solo new episode!

    Think you should have one where you stalk players and then kill them with a hatchet lol.
  25. mad_orbitz

    Confused about ALT+ F4ers

    I enjoy getting in fire fights when players start them off. I am a pretty passive player but when it comes to a death of a friend I go hell on wheels after them. They will usually disconnect If i get the better of them before I can kill them all off.