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About Desertstriker

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Desertstriker

    Permanently Stuck In Unconscious

    But you know, we don't have RESPAWN button, so that little hearts of our little friends would not get scarred by seeing people respawn.
  2. What is a point and why it was ruined? In terms of realism, one server-one player system is a lot more realistic.
  3. Desertstriker

    IF this was an actual game...

    f2p on coast, p2p for all chernarus. Like Runescape, lol
  4. Desertstriker

    Hackers on every server

    You can try out private servers, Admins there are more free at banning people, and i saw some servers even run their own programs for detecting the hackers. Admin abuse can occur, however.
  5. Desertstriker

    I was banned on my Private Dayz Server

    Ghost and hack more, whiner. While Rocket has his dumb server rules, only insane masochists will run official hive servers. OP deserves Darwin award, nonetheless.
  6. Only Lee Enfield, only hardcore.
  7. Desertstriker


    It was part of the game, when people spawned with weapons. Now it's just idiocy.
  8. Desertstriker

    Night time doesn't serve a purpose

    Well it depends on night, On full moon, you can see anything good. And on full moon during winter, i remember, it was REALLY bright. Would be good to see such thing in DayZ, i think.
  9. People are humbly ponting out idea that your IQ number is lower than number of your fingers. And the fact that you're funny sex starved virgin.
  10. Desertstriker

    What do you think about non-hive servers?

    I have paid 20 bucks on the game, and i'm free to choose servers i want, so your argument is invalid. Keep obeying the almighty Rocket.
  11. I don't care if the guy who kills me got his gear from serverhopping or farming at night servers or farming the locked server. After all, IRL apocalypse there WILL be organised groups that already have guns and gears to do stuff. I care if cheater kills the whole server for kicks and giggles, and admins can't do nothing about them because cheater then will whine on forums about admin abuse. And I don't understand why kicking out cheaters is less important than banning bunch of guys who want to lock server.
  12. LoL @ hacker that wants to cheat and kill people without getting banned so he butthurts about admin abuse.
  13. Make a non-hive server. Solution is simple. I personally think that 75% of servers should be disconnected from the hive and make their own 5-10 server hives for a certain public. You have your cars and tents on one server anyway, so why do you need connection to hive? To follow some rules, and then get banned because of one asshole, and Rocket's paranoia-induced-rules?
  14. Desertstriker

    Any DayZ Sanctuary Servers?

    Private server, private hive. You argument about banning is invalid.
  15. Desertstriker

    Banditry exploded

    All that is need is the constantly raising amount of Z-s over time. Like from 100 to 2000 in one-two hours if Z-s are not being suppressed via hunting. This will give the choice to players - either cooperate, or shoot others, but be sneaky so that it can attract hordes of the undead,