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Posts posted by FizzLeTeQ

  1. Hey guys, im looking for a bandit group along with a friend..

    i am very well on this game, and will do about anything, if it includes running through elecktro i will, but im sat outside cherno, so thats not happening, so if any1 would like me to join your bandit group just post a reply to what server you are on, and i will join and meet you somewhere along with my friend

  2. Hey there, i am looking for a bandit group to join.

    i am a good sniper, the only problem is i jus got killed just outside rogovo..

    so if any1 is willing for me to join them as a bandit, i will quite happily join

    Just gotta go searching again to get some good stuff

    Skype: FizzLeDesigns / FizzLe / FizzLe FizzLe

    Steam: FizzLe95

  3. Hey there guys, i am looking to trade this:

    A Fuel Part

    what would i like for it:

    A decent gun

    Wit some ammo

    would be very appreciated

    Find me on server GB 1

    Use 6 launcher to find it if you cant

    im god knows where but buy the docks with a warehouse on there

    I no longer have the engine part

  4. Hey guys, im looking for somebody to play with, and have some fun :P

    add me on steam: FizzLe95

    add me on skype: FizzLeTeQ

    IGN: TeQ

    I am British - so will be playing on a british server.

    also, i just started of so if anyone would like to help me by maybe giving me something to help me, would be much appreciated!

  5. Hey, i am looking for a group to play with, i am relativly new to Computer gaming,

    and new to arma 2 and DayZ

    im just looking to have fun with others,

    i have skype but not set it up yet,

    Skype: FizzLeTeQ

    Please add me on steam: FizzLe95

    I look forward to playing with some people,

    also i would like to start from scratch and regain items to make it than more fun
