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Lagoonate (DayZ)

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About Lagoonate (DayZ)

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    On the Coast

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  1. Lagoonate (DayZ)

    Cheaters/Hackers on US 353 Video embedded

    Really dude? I take the time to get the hackers on video and make the post, and you reply by insulting me? Nice. I didn't notice the blood not going down until you pointed it out, but do you honestly think I didn't notice the freaking mask and the total absence of a backpack even though I had a Coyote!? I got edited by the hackers, same as a large number of the other players, before they left they even gave AS50s and a bunch of other stuff to the whole server. In the future, plz, think before you insult someone with little to no proof, cheers.
  2. Server US 353 (IP: Cheater/Hacker Identified: Warren Time: 4am GMT-3 8/14/12 First a guy spawned from nowhere between us, he was immediately kill for no apparent reason, when we investigated his body he had a PKP and other custom stuff, his name was Warren. Then the whole server was killed, then Thuderdome, then they teleported everyone to Elektro and started killing us with an M107, then this:
  3. Hi everyone! I just wanted to share a beginners' guide in spanish, that I made for youtube. Hope you find it useful, if you do, please share it!