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Everything posted by Vladivar

  1. Vladivar

    A Good Server

    Do you really need to ask... Why should you receive special treatment when helping test an Alpha mod? Why' date=' because servers connect to a central database which provides a persistent world across all servers. Your fluffycloud and huggles server would not only be an abuse of the protocols put in place for server owners, but would impact on other servers when prime loot is farmed with impunity and transferred over. No problem, hope you enjoyed the exchange.
  2. Vladivar

    Noob trying to find guns

    There are around six deerstands North/North West/North East of Kamenka, you can reach all of them without needing any additional food/water (but you'll likely find some). Military grade loot spawns here, so your likely to find a decent weapon in one of them. Then head to Zelenogorsk for food, water and tools.
  3. Vladivar

    UK 34 - Suspected Admin Abuse

    Wouldn't it have been much easier for the sniper to wait until you were picking up items from the crashed heli, and therefore stationary, to take his shot? What does he have to gain from restarting the server when a) a potentially stationary target turns into a moving one b) all the loot from the heli disappears? c) the bait of the heli and his potential for more kills disappears?
  4. ...and if so, how many slots/instances? Dual Quad-Core L5410 (8x 2.33Ghz Processors) 12GB Memory 500GB Hard-Drive 250GB Hard-Drive 15 Usable IP Addresses 100Mbit Network Port We'd also be looking to host a TS3 server and a Day of Defeat 1.3 server from this box. Could it handle it? Bandwidth is uncapped.
  5. Thanks guys, food for thought.
  6. Garbage like this undermines and distracts from real issues of Admin abuse.
  7. Actually, it means something. If someone you had never spoken to or interacted with approached you in the street and asked you for money to pay for a luxury item, what would your response be? Just from the the few follow-up responses you've put here, i'm guessing your probably not a scammer, just a well-intentioned kid who sparked an idea without actually thinking it through. You see, there is potential for change on how you are perceived by others after making a few posts. So, here comes you help: Joining an established gaming community, or simply playing on their game & VOIP servers, is probably the single biggest action you can take towards improving your online gaming experience. An established gaming community will have structure and experienced admins to take care of the hackers, trolls, griefers and assholes who regularly pass through game servers. You will learn from them. I would recommend you give a few gaming communities a try and see which best fits what you want out of the games you play, some lean towards competitive play while others are a more relaxed place where people can go to shoot the shit, and each other. Giving your time & knowledge (you may need to do some research/study) to a gaming community, as well as developing a thicker skin, may see you elevated to admin one day. More importantly, you may learn about game and social dynamics as well as picking up some technical skills. These essentials, along with your own source of funding, will ready you to host your own server one day. Good luck
  8. Guy on the internet with five posts and a gmail account want's my money...yeah let me get right on that. I mean, lets forget for a second that your breaking out the begging bowl; Why would anyone want to give their money to you to run a server? What experience do you have of administrating game servers? Do you have any experience with running DayZ servers? Which gaming communities have you been associated with in the past? and in what capacity? Anyone to vouch for your integrity, apart from Grandma?
  9. Why are you so desperate to host a server...with other peoples money no-less... To answer your question, 'So what can you do?' I would answer with: Play on any one of the thousands of servers already provided by gaming communities and individuals, and stop soliciting for money from other members of these forums...
  10. ARMA X owner here, I was getting the message "This server is running an incorrect version of server side appliction." too. I've rolled back my Beta patch to 93965 and can play, however if a tweak is needed for me to run 94103 or any future patches my details are; Profile Name: Vladivar Profile ID: 155137 TIA
  11. Did you try rolling back your Beta patch to 93965?
  12. Try rolling back the Beta patch. I couldn't get into two servers with the latest Beta, rolled back to 93965 and was able to get in.
  13. Vladivar

    Atlanta 24 Admin abuse

    Seems all the drama happens when i'm offline...that said if i'd have been on I may have been banned for absolutely nothing, like three other players on Atlanta 24 have been. Here's some points that need highlighted; 1. The public forums for Atlanta 24 - http://www.aim2wingaming.com/forums/f77/ - are a goldmine of information as the OP has displayed. 2. There must have been at least two groups, we were one, Ghostdad and his crew another, that were trying to track the A2W guys down using details posted on their forums. I am part of 'Michael' and LinkinX's group, who you spoke to on Vent. None of us are associated with either Ghostdad, DeathRambo or DarkEnergy. 3. I can confirm multiple server restarts which lead the server switching from Daytime to Nightime. Additionally, one of the Atlanta 24 admins makes mention of this on their forums - http://www.aim2wingaming.com/forums/f77/we-will-rebuild-2493/#post13163 I would tend to beleive Ghostdad's explanation of events, and they partly intertwine with our movements. Although we seen the pictures of your Petrovka base, we never found it despite numerous hours searching. We did find one of your other bases though (we know it is yours due to one of your members forum posts), but didn't touch the contents as there were no vehicles around, which is what we were after, and taking your gear would have alerted you. Our guys jumping into your Vent: This is what is called meta-gaming, you might want to look this concept up - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metagaming - as you appear oblivious to it. Granted it wasn't the most subtle example of VOIP infiltrating ever carried out, 'Micheal' tried to get information out of you, and Vice Versa. Regardless, Rocket has explicitly stated that meta-gaming is fair game in DayZ - http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8029&pid=74413#pid74413 So, bearing in mind the terms and conditions you agreed to when hooking your server up to the DayZ HIVE - http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1429 - can you explain why LinkinX was, and remains banned from your DayZ server (Vent server not relevant). Unfortunately, this server appears to require intervention from the Devs.
  14. Couldn't find this suggested previously, though may have missed it. Is there any way for the default voice channel to be set to Direct Communication, rather than global??? This would help prevent the endless 'can you hear me?' questions from new players, the open mics of those with over-sensitive voice activation, and other random reasons why people end up using the global channel, affecting everyone else in the server. Is it possible?
  15. Vladivar

    Pretty convinced everyone is a bandit.

    Our group go out of their way to leave the fresh spawners alone, we've had people test our patience though. We were carrying out a refuelling stop for our boat, when some dude with a torch spawns by us. Despite four guys in camo gear carrying M16's/M4's telling this dude over direct that we'll leave him alone if he just backs away from us while we refuel, this guy decides to walk towards our boat, yelling at him dosent make him stop. The stand off ends with him getting in the boat and three of us emptying half a clip each into his face. TL:DR; Just spawned? do as the guys with military gear say.
  16. Vladivar

    Elektro fighting with a traktor!

    Yeah, you and the other two guys who sounded like they wanted to stay were really beating the zeds off when you d/c'ed. Oh, btw, found your tractor
  17. Vladivar

    Elektro fighting with a traktor!

    Server hopping...hilarious.
  18. Vladivar

    sheep killed - how to gut it?

    You should be able to approach the animal and 'gut animal' will appear on your menu bar. Once you have gutted the animal, you will get a message telling you how many portions of meat are on the animal, you will then need to put these in your inventory/backpack. However, there is a bug in the latest version of the game, if you have approached a tent, then the message 'Save Old Camping Tent' will appear on your menu bar constantly. It does this at the expense of many other functions on the menu bar, including gutting animals. The only way that I know of to get rid of this glitch is to disconnect and reconnect, so it's a real PITA.
  19. Vladivar

    The Problems With Tents

    Another bug I noticed in over an hour of trying to place a tent was the character going through the animation, hammering the pegs and whatnot, only to find that the tent wasn't pitched and still in my inventory.