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Everything posted by Flecktyphus

  1. If the guy/guys that did this can respond to this thread, it would be appreciated. Then I will at least have a name to write on my wall and punch. And seriously, fuck those dirt bikes of yours. I hope the Hiluxes blow up and take you with them.
  2. Abloobloo. One of the dirt bikes have been switched for an Ural, now.. dunno how that happened but thanks to whoever is responsible.
  3. Flecktyphus

    Tan Pickup Truck (not white) Valid?

    Guessing you found one of the Takistan variants of it. Does it have a tarp/King-Top on the back?
  4. are you retarded? the "1on1 cherno noscope" thing is clearly satire. if you think anything else was satire then you are REALLY stupid.
  5. How on earth is this "off topic"? Are you drunk? High?
  6. Sure the guy had the decency to leave behind one can of food and one can of drink in each bike, plus a jerry can, but I asked whether we could get one or two things back or take one of the cars, but letting them keep all the gear, and just some some inane bullshit in return. Turns out he's some kid spouting "LOL" and "XD" all over.
  7. Why shouldn't I? The game and its players are the same no matter if the server confirms to Rocket's inane set of rules or not.
  8. It sounded like you're implying we hacked it in or something. That's all.
  9. NL11 is a server running a private Hive and its own database. If you're not okay with that, it's fine by me, but don't bring that discussion into this thread.
  10. We've lost tons of stuff before, including Hiluxes, Urals and "endgame"-level gear. Both to bandits, "theft" and accidents involving a running cow, a concrete blockade and a pine tree. Each time we've dealt with it and started anew on the coast. Thing is that this time we just have no idea who did it and I'm just more pissed off by the thought that we lost it because we didn't really bother to hide them better. It's bitter as hell.
  11. Probably going to be a bit bitter for an hour or two more, then later tonight jump on the dirtbikes and head to Krasnostav. If it even was you then I wonder how many legs and arms you need to be able to drive two dirtbikes, then steal two Hiluxes. I know they were put in a really easy to find spot, we were thinking about moving them after we saw a tent just a kilometre away when scouting the area. It just didn't occur to me that people would approach the area from such a direction that they'd see the cars that easily.
  12. We've had four camps placed midwest to northwest for weeks without anyone getting close. Including one with two Skodas, three tents, barbed wire and a Hilux placed on the west corner of the map (easily seen by anyone going north). Most camps we've found have been in the far south, to be honest - areas near Bor and Dino. Some were also found just north of the southeastern corner of the map. This temporary parking place of the Hiluxes was supposed to be just that, temporary, but we didn't get to move them today, so we thought they'd be fine another night.
  13. I'm surprised you are so dense you don't recognise satire. Like.. really? I'd be glad for it if it weren't for the fact that we're stuck in some hills with one jerry can. We won't be able to get anywhere meaningful. What, me? I'm not bothered by wipes, bugged server reboots or glitches, I'm bothered by not getting to know who took our vehicles and what on earth they were doing that far north.
  14. Where were the cars parked when you found em, eh?
  15. 1on1 sniper noscope match noob u & me in cherno, no re
  16. No, but all of our vehicles (Hilux, ATV, hatchback) disappeared due to a server bug a couple days ago. Lost over twenty long arms, five pistols and a ton of food, drink, med.supplies and ammo. We spent three hours getting to the spot all vehicles were relocated to, found a new Hilux and drove it away as fast as possible while under fire from snipers. We got to Elektro, and our old Hilux was standing there with a punctured tire next to a house.. it had some of the stuff it had back at basecamp. Lost a handful guns, ammo and food. We had that first Hilux for two weeks and now it's lost due to A. my friend being so lazy he can't spent 10 minutes moving it and B. some children driving around in the far northeast just looking for vehicles. I don't know about you guys, but I don't take other people's shit in this game. I know how frustrating it is to spend hours getting a car to work, having it for a short time and then losing it to some jackass you won't get to track down, slap his shit and take the stuff back.
  17. Bikes aren't worth shit in hilly terrain; especially when you have only one jerry can. This is the thing I hate about the DayZ community; either it's babbling on about how it's in alpha (ABLOOBLOO Y AR U CRYIN BOUT ZOMBIS TELEPORTAN ITS JUST ALPHA FUK U!!!!) or disregarding other people's losses as being part of the game.
  18. I'd host my own server but since Rocket is being so incredibly uptight I see no point in paying hundreds a month just to be a playground for 38 other people, mostly children and hackers, just to get to play in peace.
  19. Rocket is being an useless POS and tents are still broken. After every restart our tents have been wiped clean and thus we've stopped using them at all. I'd move the vehicles myself but running two kilometres to get back to the other car is a chore and takes a lot of time in mountainous terrain.
  20. I'm still really fucking pissed. Told my friend that we had to move the cars, he didn't listen and just went to bed. I log in a couple hours later and they're both fucking gone, replaced by two shitty bikes with close to empty inventories. Lost a shitload of guns, ammo and food. I am so fucking pisseddddddddddddd
  21. Flecktyphus

    Admin abuse LU 205

    I am experiencing the same problem.. I've gotten kicked all the times I've tried to join.
  22. Flecktyphus

    Mr.Fantastic & Armery

    Not those guys, but I play on the same server. You might have seen me on there. Do you know when the server will be back up again? I can't find it on the server list..