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About STimroth

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  1. I do not disagree with anything either of you have said. Also having announced the standalone, I feel we are very much his testing ground for that project as well. I also will concede I did buy arma 2 for dayz, but I have been playing the game when dayz is not working right, and I do like the game as well. So in my case I don't feel like i was cheated. Arma 2 is a good game in its own right, if you like the genre. I played the boot camp several hours before I even started the game. That helicopter and vtol are a skill to learn on their own. All in the eye of the Beholder Thank you so far for a straight forward converstation.
  2. I could be wrong but isn't that what I stated. I said that some of us may have not signed up to be testers. That they came to play this with the thought that it was complete. I will give you my wording may have been incorrect. I was not trying to say this wasn't a big testing ground. It is. Also I only put this here as a new thread, as I stated cuase there is 48 pages running on the hotfix. I felt this wasn't completely on topic for what that thread was suppose to be for, which was, reporting if the hotfix worked/not worked.
  3. To no avail I say this, but here goes. After reading 36 pages last night, and 12 more today, I do feel that we are missing the point. I'm not telling you all that posted that you suck or your wrong. Some people had some legit, helpful posts. But as stated this is an alpha, we are essentially all QA testers. The hotfix was put out to test. Were testing it. He's looking for feed back on results. Some of you are doing a great job in that regard. Some of you aren't. With an open forum your going to get the spectrum of opinions and helpful advice. I would imagine he knows this and sorts through it. It took me 3 hours to read 36 pages posts. I can imagine that puts a damper on fixing anything. Even if you are skipping the crap. Also the man sleeps, eats, and does all the things we do as well. I'm not kissing his butt, I'm just pointing out he's not a game god. We all got this mod, free, were all testing it for him. Your going to lose your stuff, you going to get killed, your going to have bags, guns, and ammo disappear and reappear. Game testers aren't trying to play the game, they are trying to make it playable for the general public when it comes out. It just so happens we are the general public and you expect a completed game. For whatever reasons, due to not reading, not knowing how to manual update, several of the posts are probably not factual in their reports about the glitches. I know poeple get frustrated, lost their stuff, got killed, but you have to pause a moment, check all your versions, check your settings, check what you were doing, or not doing. Report every aspect of what was occuring during the bug you are reporting, and you usually have to repeat the process exactly to make sure it happens each time. Now I know some of you didn't sign on to be testers, and some of you find it horrid to even be asked to do so. But the more I play and the more I read on the forums that is what we are doing here. So help the man out, we got the biggest testing group a game could ask for if we could just start treating it as such. Shoot me down, bitch me out, do as you will. I didn't want to clutter up the already 48 pages and counting of good and useless info on the hotfix page. I did however want to see if I could make people aware of what I believe is going on with this game.
  4. STimroth

    Six Updater

    According to yesterdays long 36 page post of people asking all sorts of questions, and this answer being on the first page, though I haven't read the posts today. As of yesterday six updater and dayzcommander both didnt have the new update, you had to maually install it from the torrent or the couple of people who dropped it on mediafire or elsewhere. The reasoning behind this was that rocket wanted to test the hotfix before it was put up on the launchers. So unless something has changed today that I am not aware of yet that is the reason.
  5. STimroth

    some suggestions & thoughts

    if you look closely after firing a bolt into a zombie its always in the body, the trick is you have to get your aim right on it to pick it up. quiver yes i agree. I disagree on the power of the guns. In my opinion, he is trying to make them more like zombies, if you dont shoot them in the head they dont die as easily. Now I'm sure the engine wasn't designed with this in mind, so you get harder to kill players as well. Atleast in my experience everything is harder to kill now. I don't mind the zombies so much cuase they are zombies. Everything else you said was good suggestions, probably not all able to be implemented with current mod, but good ideas.
  6. STimroth

    I lost everything..... Im done

    What I have found is the server or your client, whichever is slow to record what you have in your bag or tents. I always wait a minute or two before logging off if I just ate, picked up, or saved something in a tent. From how you describe it, I would say you logged off to fast.
  7. STimroth

    My thoughts after 2 months of play

    yeah, I been reading posts by rocket, someone has them all in one post. I get the point. The world is what we make it. With that premise, we sure do have alot of assholes out there. lol. I admit I get irriated being potshotted by everyone. Usually not even hitting me until a hail of bullets are aimed at me. I don't use the in game voice much, my brother does, and most of the time the answer is bullets. So alteast I get discouraged playing a game with so much anmosity. Trying to find a good server is proving challenging. If its not the wrong version, its been hacked or is being hacked. Or the admin is so uptight they throw you out for anything, or they aren't there at all, or they close down their server at certain times of the day. It does boiled down the community that is in the games. We got all kinds in here. It is alpha and it does have a ways to go. I do have the old habit of trying to hold on to gear. Its just old game training. I tell ya, I was fed up with the game last night, I'll give your train of thought a go. trading posts huh, crazy. bandit kidnappings, I always get shot first. taxi, not bad, but dangerous too. Maybe I'm just on the wrong servers.
  8. I was reading a post about things rocket has said and this one was one of them. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1154-gau-12/#entry12289 get rid of the hacked object if you can I would think is the best course of action.
  9. STimroth

    My thoughts after 2 months of play

    I figured you would say the game is what you make of it. But after chasing down all the enemy tents on the server and cars. I don't even try for that damn helicopter. Making tents, helping mates. What else is there to do? Shoot people seems to be th popular answer. Granted as you say your cup of tea. Perhaps thats all some poeple want outta of a game, killing each other. I don't mind that so much, but it would be nice to do things in around that happening. Not to jump away from the orignal poster. I figure were discussing here, might as well broaden the subject. Also I do get bored eventually running around the countryside doing not much, but chasing down the next drink, food, or blood source. I have had a few fair fights, and those were great. But lately I get the dispearing dead man, or the overly hacked player. So even if I was inclined to pvp more, I know most of the time its going to be unfair one way or another. I tell ya, I think alot of my trouble is I played games before they were online, you worked your way up to better items, you unlocked things, you saw special events, and you saw a conclusion to your efforts. Now days its just the thrill of the kill and the how you can ruin the other guys experience. I guess I'm just an old school player from a diffrent era. anyway, good discussion, better then alot of posts, keep it going. edit to the above: No I don't want objectives, or a layed out plan, just more avenues of gameplay to explore. sandbox is great.
  10. STimroth

    My thoughts after 2 months of play

    I'll give you my two cents after playing this for two weeks. I think in general the game needs a direction, new players get into surviving, finding gear, not getting shot. That holds your attention for a day or two till you get the mechanics of the game figure out. Then after you find gear you start worry more about losing it. Atleast, some players might have this view. So then you get the players your talking about that hide out in the forest. I agree that granted they are safer but they aren't really doing anything, and then you lose intrest. As I read in someone's post eventually you get bored and start hunting people if you are so inclined. Which is something else I don't care for in this game, no matter what you are wearing, carrying, if your naked on the beach, if you see someone they will shoot you if they can. I don't disagree that in this sistuation people probably would be doing that, but it kills alot of gameplay right off the bat cuase no one gives anyone a sec to do anything but die. Bandits, I didn't get to play when they had the bandit suit, but I feel that now no one knows who bandits are and that contributes to more of the parnoid shoot first that is going on. Enough on that. Back to playing the game, so in my case I found alot of camps with all the gear in them. I have never seen a gps,nvg,or rangefinder drop anywhere, I only found them in the tents. I just recently found a bipson on a helo crash. Most of the gear I found was in hidden tents around the west and north edges. Availability of gear, well I can tell you with just a bit of expermenting you can figure out the tent mechanics. It is a form of duping, but from what I can see it is in the game and not a hack, its just the way the tents are setup. They take record of what is saved in them at any given time, and if never saved again keep that record after restarts even if the items have been removed. And recently, if you save new stuff in them, within the limits of the tent, you can have those new items dupe as well. Yes I do believe if this mechanic was fixed and the gear you had on you and in the tent were just one set, then yeah maybe we wouldn't have so much bravado running around cuase they would know they can't get another set so easily. I personally I don't like to go to town, cuase no matter what speck town I pick I always find someone. But I do agree that finding things to bring people into town would create more interaction. Though I don't think the interaction has to allways be killing each other. I wasn't playing when this game first started, but if you notice on the left side as you enter the game, your on the blue team, like everyone else. the enemy was suppose to be the Zombies. Granted npc bandits and player bandits is a great dynamic, but i think the removal of their identity didn't help. In regards to more stuff to do, I think if we were able to setup bases with reasonable defenses that players could work together to maintain that would help with post beginner objectives. You can't really do that now cuase if no one is there, anything you setup is destroyed, raided, and driven off. Hence the reason everyone hordes stuff in the less traveled areas. When it comes to ammo, most of the high end stuff only has like three or four clips. if you couldn't dupe it it would be rarer. Most of the low end stuff, like the enfield, yeah it has ammo everywhere, but do you really want to fire that thing off all the time? The 1911 is still my favored gun, though it seems to have lost some of it kick lately. The versatility of the ammo with the .45 makes it a great choice to defend against zombies. Everything else like I said early I don't see drop at all or very little. Hunting, I see post poping up about this as I type, the hunting needs to stay, Its the only way I can repenlish my blood when none of my buddies are on. I do think aggressive animals would mix it up a bit, a grizzly bear would have a large sum of meat on it but also might kill you while you try to kill it. As others said you can't always get to a hospital. Hunting is a good aspect, just needs some spice added to it. I said at the begining this game needs direction and I strayed myself just talking here, Mainly I see it like this, you survive off the beach, you get your supplies, you get some stuff saved up in tents, its duping so you get brave, you go out and start looking for whatever, in my case a vehicle. Which usually ends up in me having to go to town to get the parts. I get killed and the process starts over. I actually like the starting over part, getting the stuff to make it, and then moving in land is exciting. I think this game fails after that, your either a bandit that hunts people, or you gather things eventually losing them to either a player, a hacker, or a server wipe. Maybe most of you like shooting and dying and repeating the process but I would like to get back to more killing zombies and surviving. Most of us got drawn to this game because of the zombie survival aspect ,atleast I would think so, I feel like i'm surviving a redneck rampage. Well gentlemen and ladies, I written a book that will probably be laugh at, and ripped apart. I have trouble getting my thought in uniform, but I hope I made some sense. Tear away.
  11. STimroth

    Why are people playing this?

    You know I had something wrote out with info, but after catching the replies and the responses. What's the point? I will say this I bought the game for dayz, but in fact I like the arma game as well.
  12. All I can say is after a few munches, you remember to count how many spots you have left in your bag. I had several before i knew what was going on, and I have had a few since then from getting distracted or excited and burned a few good items. Especially tents, I went and looked up how many spots are in a tent, the wiki description has been correct so far.
  13. STimroth


    I was unfortunately on a server during a hack, turning everyone into goats and teleporting them around the map was amusing to someone. You just get screwed and start over. I suggest figuring out the mechanics of the tents, and having a few spare camps on diffrent servers so as not to lose all your gear in one hit. In regards to hackers, i have found tents with guns not in dayz, i have found cars that clearly were hacked. I have seen bombers, I have seen cherno on fire. Luck of the draw. its a problem but you just have to deal with it, or stop playing. I have no problem with the fine snipers, you can hit a target with the as50 from a long ways off, it takes skill but its not a hack. look up the shooting range for dayz, try out a few guns on there. It's hard but not impossible.
  14. on the subject of deer stands, i have found anything from coyote backpack to silenced pistols. All sorts of ammo for several military guns, military flashlight, grenades, Food. GPS and nightvision is also suppose to drop there, though I haven't come across them yet. Not to mention the misc drops off the military zombies themselves. To each his own, but to a player with few items there can be treasure in the deer stands.
  15. I have tried several servers, still checking, but I can't get past the loading screen ever. games running, but I cant esc back to menu, i have to alt tab out and kill the game.