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Everything posted by dagg929

  1. Character corrupted I think, I login floating in mid air with nothing around me. Tried multiple servers, was forcefully d/c'd when hive went down earlier. PlayerID is 11699526 ]TPG[*Dagger
  2. dagg929

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Ehh, I'm iffy on the bandit removal. Guess it just means now kill every survivor since you don't know.
  3. dagg929

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I love the system itself. It is the most 'real' you can get, which is where I think it was going. I would say however that there should be a reward for killing bandits who have murdered so many, though that reward is currently in gear. Why not an announcement server-wide about how so and so is terribly wanted?