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About dagg929

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  1. Bump! Cruising around 20, get your feet wet while everybody is starting out!
  2. Hello! We've recently decided to go the Overpoch route from standard Epoch. Server is up as of 6/22/14, so you can start fresh with the rest! We have a very active community of 45+ who play everyday, so expect to see this server popular/populated within the next few weeks. We currently have an average of 15+ on concurrently throughout the day with a peak of 30 at night. This'll continue to increase as players migrate over, so be one of those! Our IP is: We currently feature: Napf!! What a great change and an uber map. High performance server with SSD Active and fair admins. Everyone starts the same, no special treatment. 450+ vehicles dynamic Snapbuilding Bike/Mozzie/Moto deploy (These take items and no, you do not spawn with these items.) Custom missions Indestructible Cinder. 14 day Base Maintenance. Self bloodbag - only restores 4k health, takes over a minute to complete and cannot be done except every 5 minutes. Tazer weapon spawn in Suicide script to come shortly. Towing to come shortly. Overwatch guns + vehicles added to traders/spawns. We are not going for the standard easymode server here. You will never spawn in with an AK and three clips, for example. A little about us: ]TPG[ is a casual, community-based gaming clan. We were started as a CS:S and TF2 clan, but we've since evolved and expanded into many other games, including DayZ. Of the games we play, we take DayZ the most seriously. That being said, we're about having a good time and surviving - not about being douches. We are always looking for feedback from the community, so please make your opinions known on the forums or in our public teamspeak. You can visit us at www.TotalPunishmentGaming.com
  3. Seeking some new players/groups finally. Got a small squad? Few friends? Just hop in and play, TPG is donating some basic supplies for starter groups. Just let them know when playing or toss a post on our forums, maybe hop in our teamspeak-- admins are the ones to talk to about this. (Nothing uber, maybe a little gold and four walls + a roof to get you started.)
  4. Patched to newest version. Price revamp, m107 reintroduced? Should play out weird. Come get in on it.
  5. We are still here! Nightly hitting 50/50, server is very active, stable, and we continue along! This thread is no longer up to date in terms of all the mods (some are a part of epoch by default now, for example, others have been added) but overall everything here is still relevant. Come and check us out! Clans and groups of people welcome/encouraged to come and rival our current ones!
  6. http://www.twitch.tv/tpgdagger/b/488538548 Weird. Obviously not all security holes have been fixed (this guy wasn't lagging, I'm pretty sure. Watch for yourself.) Tried to get him to sit still long enough to punch him in the face as a fresh spawn and had zero luck.