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Everything posted by rcmasta@gmail.com

  1. rcmasta@gmail.com

    Teleporting/Warping, Invisibility glitch, spawning items

    I can confirm the zombie group, I was the one who saw it. I was trying to flank our attacker and got pretty near where I heard the gunshots coming from. There was a group of five or six military zombies shuffling about, gathered in the woods around one spot similarily if they were gathered around a player. I am pretty sure that this was the point where the shots came. Next I heard shots about 200-300 metres to other side of the field, no way you can run that far in matter of seconds. I went toward these shots. He shot Captain America, the shots came about 100-200 meters away from me when he died. Next shot is right next to me and I drop down dead instantly.
  2. rcmasta@gmail.com

    SE27 Alt-F4 exploiter

    Server: SE #00 ( [VET][GMT+1] DayZ - SE27 Survivors.se [VETERAN][3DP:ON][GMT+2][MAXPING 100] Me, Furyo (AKA. Shakma/Wolfenger), Thuko and CruxAeternus were doing a loot run on NW Airfield and we encountered a player, our sniper Thuko took him down first. Then we proceeded to loot his body, he used alt-f4 exploit and respawned with full gear, he shot CruxAeternus and we killed him again, he did alt-f4 exploit again and killed me at the same time when I killed him. I wasn't frapsing the whole time, managed to get him only on the last time. Exploiters name was Just This happened around 17:30 (GMT+2 DST), 21.7.2012 Video (If not ready yet, should be up in few minutes): http://youtu.be/ioHwXkcMW7k