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Everything posted by fackstah

  1. fackstah

    Rocket just posted this on Twitter!

    I tried but its not the best a couple words i couldn't really think of good rhymes Deck the halls with hostage mayhem, Fa la la la la, la la la la. 'Tis the season to be robbing, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Don we now our new head apparel, Fa la la, la la la, la la la. Troll the noobs with rotten apples, Fa la la la la, la la la la. See the blazing bodies around us, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Strike him with the hammer of power . Fa la la la la, la la la la. Follow me to your demise , Fa la la la la, la la la la. While I tell of other killings, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Fast away and starve to death, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Hail the new, blood of Noobies Fa la la la la, la la la la. Sing we joyous, all together, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Heedless of the wind and weather, Fa la la la la, la la la la.
  2. fackstah

    Your pants are not safe!

    your pants are not safe Chernarus! Thnx Inception for embedding the vid ^^
  3. Something to read about this server host : http://kotaku.com/defcon-servers/ make your opinions from this article im just making it available
  4. fackstah

    I screwed up :-)

    prolly easier to make a new account
  5. fackstah

    Using different PC, Character lost?

    if you are on the same steam account you shouldnt have an issue
  6. fackstah

    Forum Butthurt.

    They still get 500 error aswell on the webserver im assuming this runs on a comadore 64 with 5"3/4 inch floppy disks that act as a database with monkeys putting them in and out when data is accessed... thats right rocket i know u have web monkeys in your closet preforming DB querys!
  7. fackstah

    So how does Gametracker work with DayZ?

    game tracker tracks the time on server and score ( which is ussualy player /AI kills on arma II servers . when you claim a server it tracks those stats on theyre website for you It also tracks the amount of players per hour min etc to give you an avg and a global rank amoungst other servers other then that not much else it does
  8. fackstah

    Newest Dayz version screwed up whole game

    /facepalm Its loaded via scripts by teh mod there is no editor use for this mod and there is no single player
  9. fackstah

    LF a teammate right meow

    Did he just say Meow ?
  10. fackstah

    Operation GTA

    haha thats awesome i enjoyed teh video and the musical qeue!
  11. PR hahaha! play Tonics wasteland no mods the best you will get till DayZ is back up
  12. fackstah

    recording software

  13. ever heard of this game called Arma II ? you should try it out while DayZ is offline LOL
  14. fackstah

    Build forts in future?

    its easy to add and takes nearly no resources not sure why it isnt added yet i have it added to my Mod it took me about 20 mins to figure out the scripting not even so its feasable wether its in rockets vision is another question
  15. whocares.jpg prolly not the admins thats who
  16. Date/Time: 6/17/2012 ~ 2:22 EST GMT -5 What happened: I logged in and was invisible to my self and my friend but could shoot and be heard /felt and could do normal actions Where you were: irelevent What you were doing: logging in *Current installed version: 1.7.1 *Server(s) you were on: Atlanta 18 *Your system specs: Windows 7 Ultimate - i7 3.24 12GB RAM - Video Card Radeon 6870HD *Timeline of events before/after error: i logged in i was not visible to myself or friends but my actions were available like get on vehicle shoot etc..
  17. fackstah

    Server Nukes dont matter

    You spelt Dose wrong i think you meant Does
  18. fackstah


    Saying its alpha makes no sense the hacks work in regular arma II arma II is not in alpha the bugs are forever exsistant and wont be patched unless battle eye or BI release somthing . imo its ridiculous but hey its the way of the beast
  19. are you loading operation arrow head or combined operations ? that looks like plain arma 2 menu
  20. fackstah

    Land Navigation made simple

    i use a small screw driver and slide it under my S key so it puts the weight down on the W so i always go forward!
  21. hell i got eaten by a rock and tree!
  22. it can happen in real life ! , people are fragile dont forget it ! next time watch your step that last ones a real bitch LOL
  23. fackstah

    Website back online

  24. when i get home in 30 mins i will update a copy of it for you if you havnt figured it out by then , not sure what could be causeing this