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Everything posted by seaweeduk

  1. 21/01/2014 Switched restarts to every 3 hours - Should help with the lag when there are > 40 players online, last two nights have been pretty bad for the last hour before a restart. I'm also going to be looking into some other optimizations this week, all the humble bundle noobs are good for stress testing. Loot Tweaks - FN_FAL spawn rate reduced, G36C spawn rate in general military locations reduced. Infected camp loot table improved - less junk items, more fishing rods, tents, clothing, maps, compass, backpacks etc.
  2. seaweeduk

    BattlEye update breaks filters

    If its so simple why wasn't a tool made available so we can update our existing filters instead of just completely disabling everyones BE filters?
  3. 20/01/2014 Loot Table Tweaks - SVD NSPU (night vision with iron sight you can toggle) now spawns at HeliCrashEast, M14 can now only spawn at barracks same chance to spawn as a DMR currently.
  4. 19/01/2014 (after 6pm restart) Back slot monitor script updated - I run a script that checks players aren't exploiting a glitch which enables them to hold 2 weapons without using any of their backpack slots. This was having unfortunate side effects of deleting peoples guns sometimes when they were switching weapon. I have updated this script so that instead of deleting the weapon it drops it on the ground.
  5. 17/01/2014 Removed Server Watermark - Might bring it back in a smaller font but going to disable it for now hopefully you can all remember where you are playing still! Temperature Modifiers Tweaked - Night factor reduced, snow factor increased (nights aren't quite as cold, snow is colder).
  6. 17/01/2014 Serverside Kill Logging - Another update relating to logging, I wanted to log kill messages as well as hits so I could parse them to an SQL table. I've added these to the server now, you guys won't see them in game but I will see them in my logs. I had messages for each bullet hit previously but there was no separate message for "Attacker Killed Victim". I've added these now, rather than being able to view them in game you guys will have access via the webpage which I am currently working on.
  7. 16/01/2014 Tent/Stashes Serverside fix - Tents and stashes no longer use position coordinates for their unique identifier, this should prevent the problems we were previously seeing with tent inventories no longer updating. If you destroy a tent it will also be deleted after restart now instead of popping back up empty as some were doing previously. Thanks to RAZ0R49 from the dayzmod team for pointing me in the right direction for a fix it was being caused by some basebuilding functionality.
  8. 15/01/2014 Hedgehog_DZ Can be built without a flag - I know back before basebuilding was restricted to only areas with flags people used to find it useful for things like pushing planes out of trees or flipping vehicles. I've updated the hedgehog_dz object so it can be built anywhere without the need for a flag. These objects will be cleaned up regularly by the server so don't use them for anything but temporary purposes. You cannot build them in an area another group has marked with their flag.
  9. 14/01/2014 - Infection Chance on Self Bloodbag fixed - Self bloodbagging (which only works inside of a hospital, medical tents and the large basebuilding tent) was causing an infection to the player 100% of the time. I've fixed this now and removed the infection for the time being. I think the location restrictions are enough to stop it becoming the stupidly OP mechanic that it is on other servers.
  10. 13/01/2014 - DamageHandler Updated - I'm altering some of the functionality of the damage handler code in DayZ. This won't affect your gameplay its purely to change some of the information made available to me in the server logs. I have been coding something to parse these logs so I can record information such as the distance on each successful shot to the database. One problem I came across is any time you shoot a vehicle there is a log message for you hitting each of the people inside that vehicle. It sort skews the data having vehicle hits in with guns so I've stripped these out so only hits to players are logged. I am working on some really exciting and interesting new server statistics at the moment, not sure when everything will be completed yet but I have big plans which you won't have seen on any other server :)
  11. 10/01/2014 - Minor Loot Tweaks - Some minor loot table balancing, main changes are fishing rods are more common in survivor camps and assault rifles should be rarer in firestations. - More temperature tweaks - Still trying to find the sweat spot with the temperature values particularly in the snow. I thought it was working pretty well for players who were not moving but movement was still warming you up too much. So I have reduced the amount of heat generated by moving and altered the way the script works slightly. Remember to bring heatpacks if its snowing!
  12. 09/01/2014 Basebuilding Tweaks - It's now impossible to remove or construct basebuilding items when it is close to a server restart. Database sync could sometimes cause people to lose items if they built them right before a restart. Loot table Tweaks - I was selecting from a list of 3 tables for each crash site, only 2/3 loot tables actually worked though so one third of crash sites were spawning empty. I've fixed the issue. Crash site timing adjusted - I've tweaked the timing on the crash sites flying in to add some extra randomness and unpredictability, there should be between 2 and 5 crash sites with every server restart now.
  13. 08/01/2014 - Changed Colour of AI Crashsites - To make it a bit less confusing for the newbies I have changed the camo for the UH1H crash sites. Desert camo huey or Mi-17 = crash site Green huey = player
  14. 07/01/2014 - Tent Cleanup Revised - In order to combat the dayzmod tent bug I am going to be regularly running a cleanup script to delete all tents which have not had an inventory update within 4 weeks. If you have tents you need to be using them, if you want them to stay. If you have a bugged tent you need to let me know, as I've mentioned before I will not tolerate abuse of this bug. All you need to do is add or remove an item from a tent at least once every 4 weeks to ensure its not deleted. The same rules apply to stashes too. The oldest tents currently have about 3 weeks until they are due for deletion. Disregard this for now I have received some more information on the issue from R4Z0R49 and more cleanups may not be needed after all :D
  15. 05/01/2014 - Custom Loot Tables - Re-implemented some aspects of my old loot tables, most noticeable things are - New guns, M4SPR, AK107 Variants, SVD_NSPU, L85 Variants - Less OP weapons in general military spawns and crash sites - Highest tear loot in barracks and crash sites only - Fishing rods added to barracks loot table - Soldier skins can be found again Feedback as always is encouraged, loot table changes will be ongoing for a while, I'll try and post the important changes here.
  16. 19/12/2013 - Database optimisations - Made some SQL changes that should speed up some of the longer more demanding database queries a little improving performance
  17. 18/12/2013 - Animated Crash Sites Tweaked - Crash sites will potentially crash over a slightly wider area than before, I have lowered the chances of some loot drops and the total number of items.
  18. 17/12/2013 - Lowered Temperatures even more! - Apparently you want it even colder still! In before everyone freezes to death lol
  19. 16/12/2013 - Increased how cold snow will make you - I've increased the amount of temperature you will lose by snow slightly. Remember that this value scales depending on how hard it is snowing and other factors, such as wind, time of day and altitude. Let me know if you are starting to get too cold too often, or not cold enough!
  20. 15/12/2013 - Custom Basebuilding Flag Logos - I'm trialing some code to add custom images to the basebuilding flags. If you want a custom flag at your clans base you can send me a 256x128px JPG image. I am offering this service to any clan who have donated to the server. - Snow Makes You Cold Now - I have altered the dayzmod temperature system to incorporate the new weather. Snow will now make you colder, there's many values that can be adjusted and tweaked with regards to temperature in dayz. It's not really a system I think works very well by default in the mod, most people never notice it. I want to improve that somewhat so not only snow will have you searching for heatpacks or fires, but also wind, rain, height and the time of day. All of these factors already play a part in your overall temperature but I never really notice them unless I am not moving in the mod. So I have reduced the amount of heat you gain by movement. Testing all these values takes a lot of time, and I'm sure I won't have got them just right yet. The amount of heat you lose through snow scales with how hard it is actually snowing. Your feedback will help me get everything setup just right though so please let me know how you find things. I think heatpacks and fires should definitely be a concern for players playing in snow.
  21. 14/12/2013 - FPS drops from planes and choppers fixed - For the last couple of dayz patches there have been horrific clientside FPS drops, if for example you are in a city full of zombies and a plane or chopper flies over. I've looked at the changes in the dayzmod 1.8.1 test patch and merged some of them to fix the problem on our server. Zombies will no longer agro on air vehicles.
  22. 12/12/2013 - New Weather - Added some new weather effects to the server to since it's nearly christmas :D If people like the script I may work some temperature effects in. I'll probably be tweaking how often and how hard it snows over the next few days so as usual feedback is encouraged. - All empty Tents and Stashes cleaned up - Probably some more cleanups to come as theres rather a lot of old ones around atm - Bikes are now all deleted every Thursday - Bike cleanup now occurs once a week, all bikes are deleted and will respawn gradually with each spawn script iteration. We've always cleaned up bikes as they usually get abandoned in the middle of no where once they break. Now the cleanup occurs more often and will include all bikes each time.
  23. 12/12/2013 - Improved vehicle spawns - More enhancements to the vehicle spawn system to increase unpredictability.
  24. 11/12/13 - More Anti-Dupe Code - Added some more additional code to the mission file to not only make it harder for people to duplicate items but also to make it easier to log instances where people are trying to do so.
  25. 10/12/13 - Hippy Lada Spawns with Beer - There is a maximum of 1 hippy lada's able to spawn on ZS, this lada now spawns with 10 cans of beer. The hippy lada is my favorite vehicle if you find it let me know what your price is!