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Everything posted by RoseDeSang

  1. RoseDeSang

    Considering Survival

    1.) Do you prefer to find a server with the least amount of players possible? Or do you jump into a server that has 20-max players? Also, please elaborate on why you choose either, or both. ~~~~~ I always pick the lowest population servers I can. After reading constantly about all the player killing in this game, I initially just crawled around everywhere, and never fired my guns. Then I was on a low population server with a friend, and we started actually killing zombies. It was so much more fun being about to freely kill the zombies, and not really have to worry too much about other players. So after that point I started just joining the lowest population server I could, and killing zombies, and having a blast while surviving. ~~~~~ 2.) When you see a dead player body, do you spend time searching the outlying area (whether it be a building or an open area, etc.) first before looting it? Do you sit back for a while in a place you deem safe to see if anyone is around? Do you run in, nab what you can and then bolt? Or finally, do you just get the hell out of there? ~~~~~ Due to the facts that I play on low population servers, am not very good at fps games in general, have no combat training, and know that I will die eventually anyways I tend to just run up to the body, loot it, and bolt. I am not great out checking the outlying area, and I don’t really have the patience to wait in a “safe spot” to see if anyone else happens to be there. ~~~~~ 3.) --The 'Standard' Question-- Do you shoot another player on sight? If you do or don't, please explain why. Is it the guilt that you killed someone who was working just as hard as you were to get where they are? Are you not confident in your abilities to withstand a firefight? Do you fear the possibility of another player that might be accompanying the player you've spotted? Are you concerned with the noise of a gunshot? ~~~~~ My current view on this varies. If I get the drop on someone I will make sure I have a good shot, am hidden from them, and then tell them to announce their presence. If they fail to do so in a timely manner, I will kill them. If they are friendly I will leave them be, watch them carefully as I do what I was doing, and then get out asap. If we both just run into each other, I will scream friendly and run for cover. If they are friendly I sigh a breathe of relief, and do the above. If they are hostile, well I’m usually dead. If not I run and hide until they leave. Now my reasons for the above are from experience. I am not much of a kill on sight person, I am just to nice, and don't have the gut for senseless killing as someone above put it. Also when I was new to the game I killed a man that said he was friendly. I waited for him to turn away and shot him. I felt so guilty and upset I just knew I could never do it again. So my policy became shoot after warning, or get out.
  2. Just for your info. That username doesn't come up for some reason.
  3. RoseDeSang

    North west part of the map.

    I agree with Ghost to a degree; however, keep in mind that NWA is only worth the risk if it hasn't been looted to hell. The one time I was there with a friend there was no gunz, no food, no water, and a little bit of useless ammo. I was so disappointed after all the hype about how good the gear is. Which means I was left 2 options. Loot cycle, or look for my gear elsewhere. I went with option 2 due to how dangerous NWA is.
  4. RoseDeSang

    North west part of the map.

    If you play on low population servers generally Stary and most of the Northwest is fine. However, even if on low population servers I have found the NW Airfield to be dangerous. Me and a friend got there on a server with like 2 other people, and there was someone already there looting it. If you do go to NWA bring a friend so he can do lookout while you loot.
  5. RoseDeSang

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I have previously asked for help here not to long ago, sadly I used the last of my own medical supplies helping a friend yesterday, and now I am in need of morphine and a blood transfusion on top of Green Mountain. I am not actually inside the buildings, but rather against one of the walls. PM if you can help. I will give steam then. I just would rather not have steam and what not info on the forums publicly.
  6. RoseDeSang

    LFG, or something.

    You might want to put down some information about yourself, like age, timezone, when you play, etc. It helps people who are online when you are and have a similar mind set as you find you and play with you.
  7. RoseDeSang

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I just got help from Trooper. Really nice guy. Came to me, gave me the transfusion, and then we had to fight off a small horde of zombies as they leaked into our location. Thank you all very much.