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About pastyvirgin

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  1. >CoD >measurement of skill choose one i would even accept bf3 statistics. idk whats worse your ignorance or your edgy ego
  2. CLIPS EVERYWHERE nothing makes me rage more
  3. pastyvirgin

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    requesting boone hat / bandana survivor starting skin then. tired of looking like im going to the ol' ball game.
  4. oh okay. >buy my own server >restart until i spawn chopper >tell 4 friends with nvgs, dmrs, and coyote backpacks where sniper was taking random horrible pot shots at our sweet ride dude >make new thread with 18 paragraphs explaining how me and my overgeared posse killed 2 bandits with hacked gear striking story chap
  5. so to take out pkers in cherno you need a heli, 4 snipers, and 1 bait good to know that i can spawn in and get that stuff around in no time. how if you know where he is you get in range and shoot him. just saved you about 19 more paragraphs
  6. cod: unrealistic, 12 yo kids circle jerking each other and highly misinformed about firearms. saying "clips" instead of "magazine" is a good example of this. (many can be found on these forums actually....) arma: military simulator, clunky controls and lots of bugs. extremely realistic gameplay attracts more hardcore gamers. there, now someone please lock this thread
  7. pastyvirgin

    Don't Trust The Boobs

    can this thread get locked again? its 2012, nobody should be trusting womens /thread
  8. > ex-soldiers including myself tactically conveying our surrounds every second >ex soldiers tactically conveying our surrounds every second >ex soldiers our surrounds >our surrounds really eh. Hate to break it to you there buddy but that mil training you got, doesn't mean fuck all in a video game. So please stop referencing it as if it does. That and most of these "elite" ambush/killing stories are coming from people playing on servers where you still have your hip fire crosshairs ffs. please take your CoD bs somewhere else thanks
  9. pastyvirgin

    =HA= Heavily Armed

    iceman reporting in: cant ever get into slc1 :( it was too much fun playing with everyone i miss it :(
  10. >2012 >logs onto hardcore zombie apocalypse game forums >cod stats in signature ISHYGDDT
  11. since this seems to be the thread to dump stories ill put mine in here: >be bandit skum on hills of elektro >be watching inner city with binocs >see 2 survivors on top of hospital >look back 5 min later >1 survivor on upper portion of roof, 1 dead on lower portion as well as a bandit >MEXICAN STANDOFF >5 more min later call it out in chat >bandit and survivor make their moves >survivor kills bandit skum with makarov >almost die because im watching and laughing funniest thing ive witnessed in this game
  12. pastyvirgin

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    requesting better starting skin then
  13. pastyvirgin

    =HA= Heavily Armed

    these guys are legit and a hell of a great time to play with. they taught me a lot about the game and even got me my first dmr!
  14. pastyvirgin

    =HA= Heavily Armed

    Apparently missed my trial run bc I passed out before seeing the pm on the forums! I'll try to keep checking periodically later in the day to see when the next one will be.
  15. pastyvirgin

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    if scrapped, should still be an option for character profile to wear the skin....its too badass to just scrap forever :(