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Everything posted by ketsa

  1. ketsa

    The 12 DayZ of Christmas Song

    Nice! Great job to everyone who collaborated!
  2. I cant find a single hospital!! HEELP D:
  3. ketsa

    My New Survivor Series (A Bullet for Beans)

    Dang, you must have alot of raw footage to have almost filled a new 1TB. By the way, how did you get that debug monitor?
  4. >Late in the evening, around 6-7pm. >Flying over Elektro, scouting out the wilderness, trying to find this clan who stole our heli and killed 3 of our guys. >Find a helicopter. >We get my bud to eject and check it out. >All of the sudden, these assholes with OUR heli come out of the blue and shoot at us with the m240s. >They shoot me in the leg, BROKEN LEG, BLEEDING, BLINKING BLOOD. >Eject, guys still in the heli shoot other heli. >DOGFIGHT >Helpless, midair, bleeding >Other helicoptor fly right next to me >I steer my parachute into the heli >Knocked out >Heli loses control >Heli crashes >Pass out in field >There still alive >Everyone opens up on them with m240s, m249, mk48, etc. >They ded. >Alls good. >Hacker comes out of nowhere and hops into our heli's chief gunner seat >Shoots everyone >Greentext?
  5. ketsa

    CD key issues

    Someones a little butthurt
  6. I wouldn't mind having a Savage Model 110. I'm sure someone has got to have one in Chernarus.
  7. ketsa

    CD key issues

    Die, heathen scum!
  8. ketsa

    Dayz single player

    I don't.. what? Who cares? Go download the undead mod http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9207
  9. ketsa

    CD key issues

    The links don't lie.
  10. ketsa

    CD key issues

    Good fucking thing you made two of these! :D http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/108604-cd-key-issues/
  11. Good job at failing to embed a video. Other than that, good job.
  12. ketsa


    I approve.
  13. ketsa

    Vilayer New Hive and Map updates

    Reset again. Fuck Vilayer.
  14. ketsa

    Standalone HD skins...

    That's kickass
  15. ketsa

    Helicoptor Mellee

    No, I didn't steal this from 4chan. Simply bringing some >greentext love to everyone.
  16. ketsa

    Standalone HD skins...

    Because.. You shouldnt buy it FOR DayZ. Private Military is actually a very fun dlc.
  17. ketsa

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    If this is still going on, then you can count me in.
  18. ketsa

    How do you Gear Up when you spawn?

    How to gear up quickly PLAY ON LOW POP SERVERS Depending on where you spawn, head to : Balota Airfield/Hunting Stands, Cherno Firestation/Supermarket, Elektro Firestation/School/Hospital Then head north to Stary, then to NWAF. Once you get geared up head to high populated server then pvp.
  19. ketsa


    Ill trade you a ghillie for a ghillie
  20. ketsa

    Dayz SA virus spreading (idea)

    Yes. It appears that your right. Forgive me Dankine
  21. ketsa

    Dayz SA virus spreading (idea)

    Then take it up with Rocket :)
  22. ketsa

    Dayz SA virus spreading (idea)

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/107637-feedback-on-status-of-infectious-diseases-in-dayz/ This might be what your looking for.
  23. ketsa

    Colapsable AS50

    It only weighs around 30lbs like max said, its not a recoilless rifle Edit: My bad, it is a recoilless rifle
  24. ketsa

    Aftermath:AS50 rounds vs Chopper

    Hitem in the tail. They probably don't know how to initiate emergency landing.
  25. ketsa

    Colapsable AS50

    I don't see a point to this. The as50 doesn't need a mount, it has a bipod.