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Everything posted by ZombieLoveChild

  1. ZombieLoveChild

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    Thank you. finally someone with some informed perspective. My Beans are yours.
  2. ZombieLoveChild

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    Once again reading the complete thread and evaluating all pespectives is a chore too far. If the game is to evolve our issue needs to be addressed, if anything this thread is a development avenue for the Devs. OH MY GOS NO... NOT THE SERVER MY LIFE IS IN RUINS!
  3. ZombieLoveChild

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    Yes you are a little victim bunny with a soul of steel and a right index finger that can bench 50 pounds.
  4. ZombieLoveChild

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    Again.. define the guideline with regard to kicking players. The Kick option exists within the admin console, Does that admin not have the right to remove players from the server (that he/she has paid for) who are willfully disruptive to the gaming experiance of everyone else on that server. Would you pay money to be trolled and griefed over and over again by a group of people with an obvious head start in both experiance and equitment who are simply there to mess it up for you. This is not about us wilfully kicking players for the fun of it, this server has been running for weeks and we never used the kick option. We understand the value of the core mechanics of this game experiance and how that adds to the enjoyment. But Its just unlucky that we with our first server find our selves with an advanced group of trolls who take it upon them selves to camp and disrupt our game which we have paid for. There is no reason why they could not have found another server to log onto and got on with life, instead they run to mummy and complain with a community of forum posters who are too lazy to read 4 pages of posts to back them up all the way. i want you to 'definitely' describe to me when someone can kick or not kick on a server when you are the rightful admin of a server. If this issue is impossible to resolve then the kick option needs to be removed from the console all together and griefers can own this game.
  5. ZombieLoveChild

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    I never said we own it.. i specifically stated the word 'service'. The rules are ambiguous and a community of cry babies do not a service deny. Money has exchanged hands.
  6. ZombieLoveChild

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    I don't think so mate. This is not a play ground or the rules there of, this is real world money and a service sold. Bucks don't stop at your vacuous opinion.
  7. ZombieLoveChild

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    So whats the deal with financial refund on a blocked server? No official terms and conditions where forwarded from the Hosting company, essentially we have a financial outlay, without a definitive definition of conduct or terms and a potential termination of service from a 3rd party. (P.S i find it amusing that a couple of posters to this little charade have stated that they did not read the entire thread and its obvious that a bunch more didnt and yet feel they all have the right to shoe in with an opinion. Its obvious that this forum and its community like to live by mob rule when deciding the guilt of any party).
  8. ZombieLoveChild

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    You can turn this into a black white issue if you wish to dumb it down, but if this game is to develope issues like this need to be addressed. My argument here is simple. Why pay money to have zero control and become victims to the broader community of but hurt fan boys.
  9. ZombieLoveChild

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    I can take being killed as it comes to me, its part of the game. But guys with every weapon, all the cars, with a definate intention to persue, harrass and murder players on the server who are just trying to enjoy the game and teach new players how to play i feel is a matter for Admin intervention. There is abviously no point in running a server if you are powerless to prevent grief and exploitation. Im not sure of the exact numbers of privately funded servers that exist within the DayZ-cosm but if this is the general level of horseshit you have to endure when trying to run and admin a server then there is no point. i wonder how many servers would vanish from the server list once people begin to realise what a waste of money and time it is.
  10. ZombieLoveChild

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    You dont have to worry about that. We are not interested in continuing with it. There is obvious serious ambiguity and issues with regard to player/admin rights. At the moment it simply seems like this. Pay money for a server and you have less rights than anyone else, Its ok to grief play a server and its only correct to pay to be griefed. I understand the mechanics and the purpose of the game and at the moment it is very open to exploitation and grief play, obvious issues that need to be addressed as the game is developed. But does an admin not have the right to police the server they have paid for in a way they feel is fare to them selves and other players? The above rules list states But please define 'Something you do not like'. because im sure this varies wildly from individual to individual and will always be an issue of contention.
  11. ZombieLoveChild

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    We know. but there is a difference between PvP and an organised murder squad trolling an entire server including its owners.
  12. ZombieLoveChild

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    There are exceptions to every expectation.
  13. ZombieLoveChild

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    So pay money to be griefed by you over and over again. No deal. Server is gone.
  14. ZombieLoveChild

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    You know what, this has become a... he said, we said, they did, we did... blah blah blah. No evidence, no substantiation. The video above on youtube shows a single kick, ive been kicked my self on this server as accidents happen. Just wanted to play the game and have fun. i can't be bothered with this horseshit anymore, Owning a server is an obvious waste of time and money.
  15. ZombieLoveChild

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    Not interested in Arma. Can you please outline the power and rights that an Admin is supposed to have. because it seems that any and every function in admin is apparently an abuse. If we are the ones paying the money for others to play free can you please define what rights we are supposed to have. We do not cheat, we do not spam kick, these guys have basically turned the server into their own murder play ground while we are paying for the privilage to be hunted and denied play time.
  16. ZombieLoveChild

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    The server has nearly run its 1 month and will be offline soon at anyrate. including all your efforts upon that server. We will not be renewing the subscription. Owning your own server in this game proves to serve no purpose except taking your money. We are payed for this server so that we could have some degree of control over the enviroment while we bring new players into the game so that they can learn how to play it. We where teaching two new players how to play the game last night, they had litterally just started and you slaughtered them. We do no spam kick, we kicked you and only you (despite your boasts above, we are not stupid and we knew what you where doing with the name changing) because the function exists within the server control and you guys kept insisting on trolling us, using your cars to reach us before we knew what was going on. We never found any vehicles on the server and we now know why, with you and your troll band murdering us every 5 minutes and forcing us to spawn down on the coast alot we run into your stash of cars, bikes and tents in the southern west corner. (they have all been liberated BTW). we wondered why we could never find any vehicles and the reason was because you and your murder squad had horded the lot. None of use can see a point of paying money for a server when you and your crew just exist to farm weps and cars and sandbox troll us ad nauseum. We sent numerous messages to you regarding your friend/foe status and they where ignored.