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Everything posted by Daederus

  1. Daederus


    Something rather odd happened now. I was minding my own business, scavenging what was left of Balota Airfield. Suddenly, I teleport to the NW Airfield outside one of the military towers along with the entire population of the server. Naturally a shooting spree broke out, as well as a lagfest with survivors running / teleporting in all directions and someone with a high powered assault rifle mowing the majority of us down. What the hell happened there and why?
  2. Daederus


  3. Daederus

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thanks for the assist Pastyfarian!
  4. Daederus

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Greetings Requesting assistance near Dolina. Broken leg and low on blood. Steam ID - Daederus Thanks in advance :)