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Everything posted by DayzSandBox

  1. DayzSandBox

    1 million player soon!

    Yeahh, Grats to Rocket and team ;) :beans:'s for rocket and team!
  2. DayzSandBox

    OMG! DayZ 2

    Grats ;)
  3. DayzSandBox

    Looking To Start/Join Small Group

    Could you please elaborate on your playstyle, location etc... I'm interested if playstyles/location match etc I tend to avoid pvp, and stick to nature. I do make city raids (cherno - elektro) once in a while. At some some point I also would like to raid the militarycamps for a good hunting(pvp if unavoidable) rifle.
  4. DayzSandBox

    ArmA X or Arma 2: Co

    If DayZ is your aim, then A2: Combined Operations is the nugget. Don't know about PID's.
  5. DayzSandBox

    rocket: where is!

    The smartest comment yet ;)
  6. DayzSandBox

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Love and beans given to Mr. Niko Kalmeka He came tooting in a big truck, and saved my life. Even offered me lift ;) I am very grateful, as my present character has been getting under my skin. Was on a nightraid in Cherno, but it went south in a hurry. Managed to get NW a bit, feeding of chickens along the way. My lowest bloodlevel was 700'ish, but managed to raise it to approx 2500. Ramdomly passing out while waiting for Mr Kalmeka Ty very much ;)
  7. DayzSandBox

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Between a rock and a hard place.... I am in dire need of a transfusion(or cow). I have no bloodgear myself, but can offer in return my help in another situation or something from my gear (except axe or revolver). Just NE of Kozlovka and mobile. Down to 900 bloodlevel - nightraid in Cherno gone bad ;)
  8. maybe here.... http://gaming.gladblad.dk/board/
  9. DayzSandBox

    DayZ Memes

    Lol, priceless ;)
  10. That's a very nice poster ;)
  11. According to frontpage the number of unique players is, as of Datetime.Now() 887,660 ;)
  12. DayzSandBox

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    lol, priceless ;)
  13. Was tired ;) My original idea was to make a Rocket.clone as in the Defense one. Time got the better of me and I released an "unfinished" one. - hhmm, lol No asiatic punts intended. //edit " I'm a little worried about how 'asiatic' this is tho." Or are you infact worried that we wll see farmers in Dayz, as have been seen in other titles with looooot ;)
  14. DayzSandBox

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    Are you saying the infection is in the whiskey ;)
  15. DayzSandBox

    DayZ Memes

    Not sure if this fits in the meme category, but was fun when I first thought of it... Base picture taken from dslyecxi
  16. DayzSandBox

    DayZ Memes

    Priceless, now make Rocket implement Hitler's map ;)
  17. DayzSandBox

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    Just making some fun of it all...
  18. I need to sleep soon ;)
  19. Just something speedy...
  20. Just a couple of links. Hopefully there is something you can use... http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12346 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7227
  21. DayzSandBox

    Well, Im new! :)

    Invite sent on steam...
  22. DayzSandBox

    Well, Im new! :)

    I'm danish aswell. Interested if you are willing to use TeamSpeak
  23. DayzSandBox

    DayZ difficulties - which one do you love to play?

    I prefer regular so I can see who is shooting who.