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About DayzSandBox

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    CPH, Denmark
  1. DayzSandBox

    Stable Update 0.62.140099

    lol, good one.
  2. DayzSandBox

    Stable Update 0.62.140099

    Wish I had more beanz...
  3. DayzSandBox

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    Good news. Keep up the good work. Beans are on me B) PS: and happy newyear!
  4. DayzSandBox

    November Round-up

    Love the lighting on the November 9th picture...
  5. DayzSandBox

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    What he said...
  6. DayzSandBox

    [Machinima Series] Infection: Z *Episode 3 Now Live!*

    He made a tv-series called Twin Peaks some time ago, 20 years or so. Every time you deliver as punchline I keep thinking of that show. The duality of noobiness/obvious you portray (or what I see) ;). Although Twin Peaks was not a light-hearted fun show, I definately see some similarities in the humor. Or it might just be me all wacked out ;) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Lynch
  7. DayzSandBox

    [Machinima Series] Infection: Z *Episode 3 Now Live!*

    I saw your videos and they made me think of david lynch... Like the humor/irony. Very good stuff, sir! (tweeted to MP1st)
  8. DayzSandBox

    Why is "side chat" prohibited?

    Just be in the direct-channel at all times to avoid KOS (have not seen a server where that is not functional, more "realistic" anyway) And yes I am aware of the distance issue, so only a partial solution. Better than nothing I guess...
  9. http://zombies.nu/community/threads/2286/ The "easy" way is to just play/activate/deactivate through OA, making sure that the normal DayZ is not involved. ie use the in-game modhandler. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters If u have a version other than steam, the make a separate shortcut on the desktop with the parametres relating to DayZero. You may already know this, but I am unsure how much u know. The Dwarden posts are scattered http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?4-BI-MILITARY-GAMES-FORUMS
  10. Assuming u are using the right version of DayZero as well as the right version of the beta-patch as well, It could easily have to do with the server issues this weekend. DayZero servers are being attacked. Also any and all launchparametres should be kept in steam. If you followed the detailed instructions on installing and whitelisting, there is still the odd router which do not speak Arma, Try the BI forums for similar issues. Dwarden has written som posts on the issue.
  11. DayzSandBox

    I had a dream last night...

    @OP Well done.
  12. @Pinkie_Pie Thank you very much ;) Just had an idea for at theme and went webtrawling for the components. Sadly, I did not do the painting myself.
  13. DayzSandBox

    Players 30+ years old

    getting the no pm message aswell... was a good idea
  14. DayzSandBox

    DayZ Screenshots!

    nice view eh...