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About James_W_P1

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  1. Sorry, all i can see is you shouting everyone down and using insults instead of logic, if you want that kind of debate please go elsewhere, im happy for people to counter my post - gonna use your tactic for this bit - but you sound like an idiot. Am i doing it right?
  2. Why is there an arguement? I've picked up an AS50 TWS (thermal, not naturally occuring). I never shot it, not even at zombies, and held it less than a minute. I knew this was hacked, and since i didn't spawn it, i could technically keep it with no risk of global ban (though admins would ban me individually if i was caught. Seananners didn't hack, he used hacked items, and didn't use them on players. This is not againsts the rules, whether you think the rules need re-thinking is another matter. And yes, even if it wasn't a famous youtuber and just a random guy, i'd be saying the same thing, because it isn't against the rules
  3. James_W_P1

    Tan Pickup Truck (not white) Valid?

    I found one of these wedged between two armoury like boxes with 200 of every item in the game, might not be legit
  4. James_W_P1

    Are tents safe?

    I've had tents just disappear on me twice now on two separate servers, all tents and vehicles i knew about in the area where also gone, it was possibly map wide. And no, its been two days now, many restarts, and no tents
  5. James_W_P1

    [US328] Hacked items

    Nope, you are right, we went, found a truck on a busy server, drove it into a forest and blew it up, just to prove you wrong, and all in the time we had between posts. You got us.
  6. James_W_P1

    [US328] Hacked items

    I was there aswell, not gonna lie, i took a AS50 TWS for a second out of curiosity, turns out its thermal but it went boom like the rest.
  7. A. A stand alone is planned. B. This project is under his control, not BIS C. i couldn't give a damn about helicopters, so why would i cry over them? I only replied because people were BSing that PR means nothing
  8. Wow, so many locked servers out there, who wants to bet their admins are looking at this thread waiting for helicopters to be all theirs
  9. They are making a stand alone. Most of his customers, future or otherwise, are watching how much the developers give a shit about their community, that they can't spend 30 seconds on a post. If this mod was staying free, then yes, he could treat us like shit but hes gonna be charging for it soon, and we'll see how that pays off. Personally i think he needs to start learning customer relations now, or he is going to piss off paying customers sooner or later
  10. James_W_P1

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Any word on if the tent fix is working as intended?
  11. James_W_P1

    Pending Update: Build

    Hey, theres a whole weekend if that happens, expect 500
  12. James_W_P1

    Pending Update: Build

    Tents with IDs over 1 million wouldn't work and would delete your items, so since we reached the 1 million tents mark they no longer worked for people trying to use new ones
  13. James_W_P1

    Pending Update: Build

    Thank you for the update
  14. James_W_P1

    Pending Update: Build

    Okay, so what has that got to do with anything? Look at any good company, even small indie ones, and you'll usually see they have someone to deal with the community, communication of what you are doing is essential, even if its blunt and to the point. I have no authority in this community, so why should i need to communicate other then when i feel like it. Making posts about Ponies is not informing your customers, even if they are only potential customers