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Everything posted by Frisqy

  1. Frisqy

    Poll: Reason to why you would leave DayZ?

    You get the beans i have on me and the ones in my tent and the future ones i scavenge. Also some other game issues made me stop playing for now.
  2. Frisqy

    Jerrycan Power for Cities?

    Great idea i love it. Have a team camping the powerplant while another one raids X location. Or use the powerplant to turn on the power to disable some nightvisions and have some surprise attacks. The options are endless :D
  3. Casual gamer here and have most parts of the game worked out. Have and had some good military gear just need to find a place where i can hang around in the night times with other players and get some stuff done. Wether its helping out newbies or raiding NWAF. Ill sign up on the forums, got a mic teamspeak, ventrillo and skype.
  4. Lol its funney how people bash good ideas like this on these forums. They definetly are a part of the group of people that are causing the problem. If they change this their experienced of this game "how it should be" gets ruined. I will vote for the OP's idea just cause it will mess up all those players game experiences and they actually can go to sleep at 5 am in the morning when a server resets and start searching for their vehicles. These people should stop posting untill they have something worthwhile to say. So yes i support this and not because i never found a vehicle (stole them, found them, lost them). Something is messed up with this system. The way it is now you can stash more gear in a vehicle then a tent while a vehicle is for transport and a tent is for stashing. Messed up so ye change that. Random vehicle spawns will definetly give a wow effect if you do find one. Now you just search the preset locations and voila got 1 again. Car parts are definetly a joke. I find them more then cans of beans. If one of my vehicles get broken i have them fixed in no time. Our team just splits up go to a few locations and an hour later we are on our way. More variety of stats to vehicles would be great. Now bigger is better due to more storage.
  5. Frisqy

    M249 Vs. MK48 Vs. M240

    M249 SAW is my weapon of choice. I played for about a month with 1. Its quiet to zombies really quiet. Even got shot once in cherno, broke my legs and i was just lying there. When i fell i saw the player that shot me and as a reaction i emptied the 200 bullets in my mag. That show of power made the player run like a chicken to kamenka. Never seen him again even though i missed 200 rounds. Extremely easy to take out long range targets with that beast weapon too as long as you fire single shots. Ammo is plentiful. If you run out of belts take the stanags.
  6. I always believe that DLC, like most stated here, ruins games unless they are able to add DLC wich wont give benefits over other players. The DLC wich could give some extra funding to a game should be cosmetic and not power packs. The idea of new maps might or might not work. I have noticed in games like CoD that maps just atract the hardcore players and the casual games will definetly not benefit from it. Maybe a new twist to the idea is to open up new parts of the map, but the main area will stay the same and ofcourse have the best loots.
  7. In my group im the only one who tries to communicate before shooting. Cause of me friendly players got away alive before my team mates decide to pull the triggers. I have to admit that most occasions i urge the players to get out of the area before someone changes their mind and pumps their bodies full of lead. We are rarely lightly geared even when we enter the big populated city's. Maybe having a M249 aimed at their torso makes them turn around and think twice, but who knows. Usually i am 1 of those people running from building to building. I have yet to shoot before someone shoots at me and most of the time i have an overwatch somewhere to help me if needed. Again its probably just my nature to ask question first before shooting. Will always do so and it has only gotten me killed once whether im alone or not. I have had the backstabbing bullshit that happens once before over that 1 bandage and pack of painkillers i had when i respawned. Thanks to that guy i respawned in elektro. Didnt have to walk al the way from kamenka. I do know that player is just a jack ass for doing so. I do agree with this. On the server i play there are usually like 15 players online. Almost non of them shoot on sight. There is an occasional bandit around wich i havent run into yet but i have seen some signs. Maybe low populated server atract different style of players and not the hardcore PvPers. Less targets is probably too boring for them to play.
  8. Seriously this is the most funniest hacking i have ever seen. Great vids i loled alot. Like the guy said if this would happen IRL id probably kill myself before he could.
  9. Yep 31 days also. I play like 2 tops 3 hours a day. Sometimes even non dont even know if they count those days. Rarely i play long days of about 8+ hours, but when i do i play really carefull and have a goal in mind + some team mates to back me up. When im teamed up im always the scout going in first and clearing areas. While my aunt takes overwatch and my little brother is my wingman :D About 650 zombie kills and 300+ headshots. Survived 2 assination attempts on that cheracter and made a whole group who crippled me in cherno run from a rage firing my M249. 200 bullets into nothing and they never came back.
  10. I loled... Same thing happened to me sorta. I found a grenade on a soldier near 1 of those deerstands. So i picked it up and put it in my bag without telling my brother. A little later we had a horde of zombies after us and ran into a barn for some funnel killing at the door. Decided to take out the grenade and throw it at the door. Told my bro not to shoot and just stand in the back and watch. So i throw the grenade and see it land infront of me and im like... GET THE FUCK OUT BOOOOOM!!!!... I lie there unconscious with them zombies comming towards me. Only killed like 2. Screaming for an epi pen we made it out alive in the end.
  11. Frisqy

    The Golden Tent - Most Epic Loot Finds

    I lost one today. It does use both types of stanag mags. Its also really quiet for some reason. I have been wandering around with that beast weapon for 31 days. Its my weapon of choice. I handled most weapons and nothing beats the m249. Its an awesome sprayer, lots of ammo for it, its extremely quiet and the accuracy for that thing is way beyond a few 100 meters. You can snipe with it but dont have a zoom function unfortunately :P
  12. Like most stated in this post. Long range its useless short range they can seriously take a dump on you. We played around with the first ghillie we found. I ran in the lead and at some point they lost me. I just dropped myself in the grass right after running through a bush. They walked passed me and were like "wth where are you". Told them to search. After a few minutes my little brother said hed go afk and didnt want too have this B.S. so he sat right infront of me on the ground and went afk for a drink. I looted his backpack to have some more fun :P
  13. For some this doesnt get boring. Yesterday i died after 31 days alive. Server hopper in the baracks. Looked around its clear start looting and he spawns inside me. Knowing it was a server hopper popping up inside me i decided to open fire cause he was occupying the same spot as me i couldnt hurt him or was just facing the wrong way. After a minute of tiptoeing inside eachother he finally got me. So then i respawn near cherno go into town get some basic gear get out. See a survivor and try to make contact. Told him where a gun was and some food and left for the next building. 10 seconds later he shot me in my back. Respawn in Elektro near my little brother. After a good 30 minutes of raiding i get geared out including camo's, ghillies and M4A2. I see 2 survivors running towards the fire station. Holding them at gunpoint i urged them to leave the area till we were gone. Had no intensions to kill them just didnt want to lose my stuff to another backstabbing survivor. My brother left the game and i got out of elektro. In the mountains north of elektro i got 1 hit downed and broken legs by a zombie. That 1 zombie dropped my blood so fast i died. Luckily i respawn in kamishovo. See a survivor in a car and he gives me a ride to my body. Atleast the area. I find the body and im still standing there only able to look inside my backpack (Wierd glitch). 1 survivor aproaches me and told me hes friendly after about 5 minutes chatting he comes over and find my body. He was saying all the stuff is there and im not standing but lying dead on the ground. I was like wierd glitch. He took the gun and just killed me with my own M4A2. Respawn again and see another survivor in kamenka. We team up he finds a hatchet kills me. Respawn again in elektro, entering the school there i hear 2 survivors comming in. We had a nice chat. They gave me some supplies and told them they didnt have to worry about me. Thanked them for their help. I can seriously see people turning bandits cause of the messed up shit that happend yesterday too me. Im glad there are a few less bandits to worry about now. I was seriously tempted to shoot those 2 people just for venting my frustrations of that day and their loot like the other players did too me. Glad i didnt. Just rare to see bandits turn good and it warms my heart if it does. Goodluck
  14. Frisqy

    Night Vis, GPS, CAMO

    I played for 30 minutes yesterday. Found 3 ghillies 2 camo's unfortunately i have never found gps. I want one to see if they are of any use.
  15. Making bases and building a community... awesome, but how? The way i see this now is that tent camps are just being used for their owners that die and just run back and can instantly gear up again and keep on going with whatever they had in mind. Sometimes i play with my brother nephew and aunt. If one of us dies we just run to our tent and gear ourselfs up again and do w/e we want to do. As of now i cant think of any benefits for bases that tents cant already give unless we would be able to have clan wars and what not. The zed's themself dont pose any significant thread that you need to have a base to hide in either and use those bases to increase survivability to get to a higher level in the game. Unless some changes are being made to the game themself where you might need a base or a tent camp for anything other then gearing yourself up again and need different load outs for different areas and situations they might become a little more usefull then just gearing yourself up again.
  16. Frisqy

    destroy tents?

    From what i know tents should be removed after a period of time and when they are run over by a car they should be gone next restart. From what i know its supposed to work like this. Now i dont even see any consistency in tents that disappear. I would like to know what kind of bugs there are with tents and how it actually works with saving them. I cant seem to place one and it surviving a single restart. Stopped playing cause with my loadout i only need to get some NVG's to get everything you possibly can get and there is nothing else to do besides player killing in cherno or search for NVG's. Wich i still cant find after dozens of NWAF trips.
  17. Frisqy

    What's your longest survival time?

    My current live is probably the longest 17 days which is now, 1k zombie kills and 200ish headshots. 0 murders :D I never shoot people untill i get shot myself. Happend 2 times 1 relogged other person ran after his first shot. I had some back up ;) Got back up with 600 blood. Good i was in Cherno military area :D
  18. FPS for sure is the cause. As many other games i player the better your fps the faster you move.
  19. Frisqy

    Remove Wire Fences POLL

    What he said..
  20. Frisqy

    ALT F4 Survey

    I usually play with multiple people. When we get into trouble i always hear people scream "should we abort?!?!". I hate logging out to get out of trouble it is part of the game to die and if you do get into trouble you should be able to think fast too. It all adds to the game to be sharp and be as carefull as possible. Its part of the experience for me, so for me its my personal rule to never alt+F4 or abort for whatever reason. First few days of playing i did now i never will cause it just makes the game to darn easy and boring. About having a timer on alt + F4 i think that will be sensible. Even played some games where there is a timer on logout even if its just 10 seconds. When you do get hit by a player or NPC the timer extends back to a maximum of 1 minute. Im all good for these things.
  21. Frisqy

    IF this was an actual game...

    Yes i totally agree with this, but i have seen some games with micro transactions that will not imbalance the game. Like an example already posted by some players is different skins. There are many more cosmetic and added bonusses you can think off that will make the paying players not OP, but still make micro transactions besides purchasing the game give some extra income.
  22. Frisqy

    Average Life Expectancy

    Yep did this since my first day... First 3 hours of playing i had to get the hang of controls but i had my friends waiting near the coast to talk me through everything. Now im alive for 16 days.
  23. Frisqy

    Is anyone NOT a murderer?

    Alive for 12 days now. Not a single murder, crippled one hostile, shot at a few times, friendly encounters 1. When i see other survivors i never shoot on sight unless they have been hostile.