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Posts posted by Smoogles

  1. The "infection" as people insist on calling it is clearly causing rot and decay on the "zombies" (they are zombies...admit it already...). Decay means dying muscle mass which means slower zombies.

    Where exactly does it say the zombie's are rotting and decaying? Read the home page http://dayzmod.com/,

    The outbreak has only just occurred, if they are rotting and decaying at the rate you say they will all be harmless by next tuesday.

  2. just who the hell do you think you are and how stupid are you? He's fixing bugs, he's fixing exploits, thats what he's doing. Rebalancing loot spawn points? Thats opinion. Water pumps in all cities? why the hell do you need that?, you can find water almost everywhere. The only spot in the map that doesn't have easy to access water is NEAF/Kraznatov, which has lakes to the east and a big town to find sodas in, let alone go to a place nearby with water. helicopters? He's fixing that, takes work. Work he'd rather be doing stuff that he and the development team finds important, not some dumbshit who posts on the forums. Item duplication is tied into how the hive servers work, and requires a shitload of work to fix, possible changing the entire save system. Changing the zombie animation requires actual animators, not coders. This means that while it will come, that it will take time. And finally, the whole backpack thing is a ARMA issue, not just a dayz issue. thats for BI to work on.

    tl;dr stop being a bitch.

    Yeah... you told him, because he definitely looks like the bitch now.

  3. I don't think it's the movement speed that's the problem, the animation is the highest priority you can't predict there movements because they are too erratic.

    Physically why couldn't the zombie's run as quick as you, they were human and the infection doesn't make them asthmatic. It just shouldn't make them bullet dodging ninja's either.

  4. Yet another will I have to pay for DayZ when it's a stand alone game.

    By the time DayZ becomes a stand alone game it will be a completely different game that would have lots more content, so you wouldn't be paying for the same game twice. You'd be paying for a completely different game from what you bought Arma II for.

    I bought Final Fantasy XIII, and Final Fantasy XIII-2.... Now that's a waste of money!

  5. I got the game yesterday and keep on finding hatchets but never found a gun.

    So today I went into a supermarket through the back and found the makarov, but no bullets. So I kept searching and then I found a M1911 with 4 clips, and I'd seen more clips before not far away, score! Then i turned round and someone emptied a clip into me.

  6. I just started playing today and found a hatchet after i died for the first time (i thought drop down ladder would let me slide down the ladder like in other games, you literally drop down...), as soon as I had found it killing zombies was easy, about half the time I killed them without receiving damage. The only thing that overpowers you is if you start bleeding and still have zombies to kill/chasing you.

    The melee does seem pretty inaccurate mainly due to the animations, it's difficult to anticipate exactly when the zombie is going to start hitting you to effectively counter them. In a "realistic" zombie apocalypse if you were sneaking an approaching a town you would want to silently melee kill some of the zombies without the others noticing. Maybe some of the better players will correct me but melee seems to be something you only do if you have no other choice as opposed to a good strategy.

    In terms of being able to damage zombies with your fists, I don't think a few punches in the face are going to do much to what mainly appears to be infected military soldiers who presumably are pumped full of adrenaline due to the infection.

    Most zombie lore states they can only be killed by decapitating/blowing their head off, after the animations are fixed it would be interesting if only head shots actually killed zombies and anything else just reduced their speed (so it's at least possible to do slow them down enough to safely run away).

    It depends what your after, I think this game is supposed to be more walking dead than zombieland (although twinkies and banjo's would be awesome!).

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