Good day i am clan leader of soh, i was on teamspeak with this guy who killed these guys. He said to me : i spawn in the wilderness on cordinates (987/078) and there are spawning alot of players in front of me.. so he scared and didnt want to die so he killed them.. i told him immidiatly to stop doing it and disconnect to let me fix the problem. i really want to apoligize to the players who might have lost gear. i can give you personnally some of my own gear if you want. i have spoken with cooldevils the player wich killed those players and i told him not to play anymore untill his problem is fixed. i have emaild and spoken with various admins to reset his account so he can spawn properly again... again my apoligizes!!!! but please what would you guys have done if some players just spawn in front of you??? i have seen and heard alot of complaining from alot of players on various servers who spawn in a god forgotten place.. and playtime not being saved etc etc .. i hope you all understand this and this player will not play untill his acount has been reset. PS: absolutely NO HACKS HAVE BEEN USED .. this was just an unpleasant bug Greets foxhaull.