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Everything posted by ninjaholic

  1. ninjaholic

    Making forests scary at night.

    Random zombie spawns around the map - agreed.
  2. ninjaholic

    Banditry exploded

    Shit I haven't seen another player other than my own team and the odd person I've stalked and lost in months. That said I'm never around Electro, Chern, Stary or NW Airfield without absolute necessity either.
  3. ninjaholic

    ALT F4 Survey

    Numbers updated.
  4. ninjaholic

    Banned for combat logging

    Why is this still getting replies?
  5. ninjaholic

    No Respawn, why would I support offical release?

    Choose the latter please. Game doesn't need more whiners. If you don't like it, uninstall it. However I think you DO like it, otherwise why the hell are you on the forum?
  6. ninjaholic

    Why is killing so thrilling in DayZ?

    Inconsequencial cruelty. People who murder and get away with it get that kick too.
  7. ninjaholic

    Major artifacts after last patch

    There are inland towns you an enjoy artefacts in too.
  8. Was it that hard to just link the video for him? You lazy shit?
  9. ninjaholic

    I need help please!!!

  11. ninjaholic

    m1911 and revolver nerfed?

    Fight the power.
  12. ninjaholic

    Banned for combat logging

    Aaaaaand it begins.
  13. ninjaholic

    DayZ - Gille Suit m.m for female

    It was fucking funny though.
  14. ninjaholic

    Banditry exploded

    Saw a vid where these guys lit something like 30 campfires around the land at night and spend an hour shooting and bandaging each other. It was insane. All they DIDN'T do was sing Kumbaya.
  15. I have other games. I'd just play those if I couldn't get the latest patch to work? It's not the second coming of Christ. It's just a patch with some bugs...
  16. ninjaholic

    Why "blood" instead of "health"?

    You mean you don't measure how much blood is in your body every day? :huh:
  17. It's in alpha. Stop caring so much.
  18. Open up Task Manager and check if glassjaw.exe is running in the background?
  19. ninjaholic

    Stuck under a house.

    Just leave the game on, let your player starve. If there's an entry point, you can request a bandit come kill you and give co-ords. They'll be glad to chuck a nade under there. And no, we don't need a re-spawn button slowing down the Hive, that's why it was removed.
  20. ninjaholic

    99 problems playing Day Z :(
