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Everything posted by ninjaholic

  1. ninjaholic

    DayZ why you gotta glitch?

    You have to take note of the server name before you join it.
  2. ninjaholic

    Graphical Error (Not from dead soldiers)

    Looks like corrupted texture files. You should probably do a complete reinstall as it doesn't look like a typical graphical glitch. What kind of graphics card you have? You should have version 301.42 Nvidia drivers and version 12.6 of the Catalyst software suite just in case they're not up to date, but if you're not getting this in other games then I'd do a clean removal and clean reinstall of ARMA. In fact, if I'm right, you should have the same problem with ARMA. Can you confirm that ARMA has the same problem? If it doesn't, then it's probably just DayZ and you should remove and clean install DayZ alone.
  3. ninjaholic

    DMR or M107

    Nice. Good job. You can't spell a language you use every day. How special is that? You're mad at a font? lol. The thread is still called DMR or M107 and is still about which rifle is "better". Do you? You started a copy-paste argument with another copy-paster about some copy-paste while everyone else in here was discussing which rifle was more preferable for one reason or another.
  4. ninjaholic

    200 Zombie Kills in 2 minutes

    Can I assume that your posts are included here? I've seen less printed noise in bibles. More accurate too.
  5. ninjaholic

    200 Zombie Kills in 2 minutes

    Your first post isn't giving people a very good impression. Also, FUCK BRAINDEAD CHIPMUNK MUSIC.
  6. ninjaholic

    DMR or M107

    You think. That's your opinion. An opinion isn't right or wrong since it's just a point of view based on experience that can never be invalid or incorrect only subjective. Different people with different experiences will have different answers for the same question and neither will be right or wrong. So you're basically having a chicken-and-the-egg argument about realism in a simulation based on your experience with a web site?
  7. ninjaholic

    Take out .50 cals

    Why do you come to the forums then? Manstruate somewhere else?
  8. ninjaholic

    Nighttime is NOT realistic

    That would require it to be broken first... And it isn't broken. And before you start on about power for street lights if there was a real zombie apocalypse most power would be gone within 2 weeks of infection becoming a pandemic so there wouldn't be any street lights. Only generators would provide that and they, in turn, wouldn't have fuel past a month at most due to local populace looting petrol for personal usage. Again, no street lights. People would resort to burning furniture and tree wood for heat and light. The intelligent would use steam power to clean water and provide a couple watts of energy for basic things like sanitary indoor cooking hobs, bulbs and recharging mobiles and radios. Mobiles wouldn't last past the 6 month mark anyway because of lack of network maintenance and we'd all resort to AM radio frequencies anyway. But there'd still be no street lights. We'd be able to recharge batteries for flashlights though. And you already have one of those.
  9. ninjaholic

    Gps minimap does not work for me.

    CTRL might not be working. Make sure it's set in controls. Change it to Right Shift + M or something.
  10. ninjaholic

    ALT F4 Survey

    I'm not moaning about ALT F4gs but I'd like to gather some stats on how many people think a different approach to Rockets cooldown suggestion would be better. Here's the survey, and below are the results so far: (Edits with updates inbound. Patience required. Try bring maturity to the thread please <3 ) Dayz should have a delay before removing player from server after an ALT+F4 event of... ________1s ██████████ (19) ________2s ██████ (11) ________5s ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ (171) _______10s ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ (173) _______15s ███████████████████████████████████████████ (77) _______30s ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ (125) _______60s █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ (130) __No delay ████████████████████████████████████████████████████ (103) _Cool-down ██████████████████████████████████████ (75) _____Other ████████████████████ (39) Other suggestions so far (one individual suggestion per line): * A 5 minute cool down from joining 1st server you alt+f4 from if you join any servers afterwards * Player that quits should be sent to the quitters map where they all fight each other... * Penalty of death * penis * only time I have ALT+F4ed was in cases of severe hacking involving breaking bones and teleporting players. * 10 minute delay to rejoin ANY server if no Abort message received * Legit crashes do happen, even though the system is broken it seems unfair to kill someone over an unintentional DC. * in-fight debuff 1min long * UPON alt+f4 the users progress for the past 5 mins should be unsaved * 30-60 second cooldown for all logouts (abort and alt-f4). Will add to the tension of the game and not just band-aid the Alt-F4 problem. * They should be hit with the BAN HAMMER! * 3mins * Maybe you should kill the guy before hes able to alt-f4 * From a zombie attack 1 second, from a player attack 60 seconds * remove alt f4. like in ACE MOD * Alt F4 function should be disabled * 5 minutes * 2 minutes * a 20-second timer should pop up with the player in the game, player can cancel at any time if under fire or just ride it out for the 20-seconds * Put dicks on their screens when they log back in. * 60 to 120 secs plus information that player leaves within 200 meter and a general zombiepull within 30 meters...no leaviung without being safe n sound * Maybe adding ponies to the game will bring friendship * fuck * OVER 9000 Seconds * 999999999999999999999999999 Seconds * cool-down and a 60 second logout timer * Disable Alt + F4, and if someone get's hit by another player doesn't matter how much damage, just give it a 10 minute timer before the player can log off, (Next time they login they will stand still for 5 minutes or something) * Cannot in combat. Otherwise a 5 second countdown that you see on screen before logging off. * 2 warnings then full permanent ban * After multiple ALT+F4 they should spawn with broken legs for the next 12 hours. * Make it so you can not be healed/fix/bandaged/etc 30 seconds after reconnecting from an ALT+F4 event. Means legit crashes/disconnects are not punished. * Only if hit other then that you may leave game at will no penalty * What if they dont alt+f4 but lose connection instead... * 10 MIN * Result of an ALT+F4 = Dead character * We need to fix the glitches with the zeds (i.e. spawning on top of players/teleporting) before we can remove the alt-f4 section completely. Then I would suggest a 10 second permanency in which the player is invisible to the zeds. * I have been ALt F4-ing lately when Hackers get on and either turn you into goats, teleport all players into the one area and a shoot out occurs or my foavorite, when you get dropped from 10000 feet. Other than avioding hackers, * penis * Can just lock out with an special item on a specia place or a a delay of 300 sec * If player is being shot at or gets hit by a zombie they should die(anti combat log) * Alt-f4 is mandatory to evade the hacking assholes * Like the cooldown option, but character is wiped if alt+f4 is detected 2+ times within XX mins (30-90) * 5 - 10 minutes Thanks for taking part guys! I'll update this regularly with the new results, hopefully daily. (last vote 03.08.12 @ 1347:50)
  11. ninjaholic

    DMR or M107

    Anyone care? The thread's about what a sniper is better off with not what you can copy-paste or who's got a faster Google hand or how many superfluous commas you can fit in to a shower. DMR hands down. More ammo, more versatile, more common, attracts less deadz.
  12. ninjaholic

    Sorry UK 25 it was a misunderstanding.

    Here man, make yourself one of these. You clearly need to know what you're missing out on.
  13. ninjaholic

    Take out .50 cals

    Chernarus. Stands for Black Russia. AND RUSSIANS DON'T LIKE PUSSY NATO ROUNDS. They like firing lead the size of thumbs at people. And cars. And armour. And armoured armour. So, yes, you would find them in Russian Military bases. No they don't spawn in the first building you find. Mostly in High Value Military buildings. Think North West Airfield?
  14. ninjaholic

    ALT F4 Survey

    Agreed Vitdom. Spoils of war and all that.
  15. ninjaholic

    Are tents safe?

    Every tent I've dropped and saved has worked so far without a single issue. I've even gotten tents up in between trees where it's near impossibru to see.
  16. He came to the right place, game's full of tools :lol:
  17. ninjaholic

    Spawn times

    I think they spawn at server restart.
  18. Are you collecting one of everything or what? Or just all the equipment? On a low pop server xD
  19. ninjaholic

    No loot?

    That happens. Loot glitch on the server I think. Swap servers maybe?
  20. ninjaholic

    'shift' + '-' + 'flush' doesn't do anything

    It gets quiet when there's a free call of duty week end.
  21. Also, since realism is an issue, when you kill someone they tend to shit and sometimes piss themselves. So who wants a Ghille suit that smells of shit and piss? Maybe the ones taken off of killed players should have the fly sound that's normally around dead bodies?
  22. ninjaholic

    Nighttime is NOT realistic

    I see zombies every day. On the bus, in traffic going to work. Without thinking, again and again and again.
  23. ninjaholic

    Sorry UK 25 it was a misunderstanding.

    Lmfao, I've turned down more pussy than you've Google'd. :lol:
  24. ninjaholic

    DMR or M107

    I passed my 7th DMR during the week. I found an M4A3 CCO and have STANAGs falling out of my bag so FUCK the DMR. They're all over the place when I'm around. Try the deerstands? I've seen them most often in the North West Airfield Barracks, hangars and at deerstands. There's 4 deerstands in Balota airfield.
  25. ninjaholic

    Nighttime is NOT realistic

    M4A1/M4A3 has flashlight. Character should at least make an ATTEMPT to point the flashlight somewhere near in front of him when doing anything but walking at a mile a week's pace.