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Posts posted by twistoff

  1. Its not that hard to understand part of the concept behind this delay. People hear about DayZ mod. People buy ARMAII CO. Arma II sales go up. People like DayZ mod. People who like DayZ mod are more likely to buy DayZ Standalone. Bohemia stalls DayZ Standalone to milk more ARMA II sales. ARMA II sales go down, DayZ Standalone is released. Bohemia laughs their butts off all the way to the bank.

  2. Says the guy with 4 post.... that 99k is the amount of new players in the last 24 hours.

    Well, the guy with 4 (now 5) posts has been member of this community since mid May. I guess I could up my post count by telling people to search on the forums and make other useless posts, but I prefer to mostly read announcements made by the devs and research issues that I might have with my server.

    • Like 5

  3. I would just like to point out the rapidly declining popularity of this mod in the last few weeks. Going from 200k upon release of to this in just a matter of weeks shows the frustration of the player base. While 100K is still an amazing number for an alpha mod, losing over 50% of its population is definitely a statement being made by the players.

    • Like 13

  4. These are the patch notes on my Vilayer server:

    "This will install all the regular patches on the server and patch the server so hackers can-not spawn items within the server such as vehicles, weapons etc... This has been released early so please use at your own risk however it should make sure server much more secure. YOU WILL NEED TO RE-SAVE YOUR SERVER CONFIGURATION FILE AFTER PATCHING YOUR SERVER."
