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About Blizzak

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    On the Coast

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  1. Blizzak

    New guy needs some tutoring!

    Wow, thx for all the quick responses! :) And to another question, what about these loading times?! I've timed my loadingtimes and they are always around 2 minutes to get into a server, ping is around 70-90 on the servers I connect to and my ms is around 50 in the server, but still i get the yellow chain, red chain and eventually the disconnect. Why is that?
  2. Blizzak

    New guy needs some tutoring!

    Gutt med en svensk ju! :) Om jag kryper fram, är jag då immun mot zombies? Kan de fortfarande upptäcka mig? Är inte spawn platsen alltid densamma? Kan man inte då peka ut spawnplatsen på kartan? :)And translation into english: "Nice to meet a swedish player! :) If i crawl, am I immune to zombies? Can the still detect me? Isnt the spawnlocation for players always the same? Couldnt you point out that location on the map? :)
  3. Hey guys! After watching alot of gameplay videos and reading ALOT about Day Z I decided to give it a try, headed over to the steam summer sale and bought ARMA 2: Combined Operations just to play this mod :) But i've been having a few problems... #1 I havent been able to find a single weapon, just the ammo which frustrates me... Where are the guns? Are the spawn locations random or fixed? #2 So my need of guns has brought my attention to cities/villages (usually near spawnlocation) but they are always crawling with zombies. And I cant seem to be able to sneak by them. I'm monitoring my noise and "visibility" meter and they are always around 1-2 bars when attempting to get into a town, which means i'm always in crouch mode and often (not always) walking slowly. But somehow there is ALWAYS a hopper aggroing and this forces me to run for my dear life and abandon my search... So how do you do it? How do you sneak by zombies in a tight crowded place such as towns? Or am I doing this all wrong? Maybe I shouldnt focus on zombie infested places in the beginning, but where to go instead? 3# When I actually do manage to get myself into a city/town/village without getting eaten the vast majority of the houses in the town are "locked" or unable to enter, which also is frustrating because creeping from door to door takes alot of time and often puts me in danger, obviously. So my question is: Is there a way to identify the buildings you actually can enter from the ones you can't? I mean from a distance so I can rule that building out and spend my time on something that actually gives me beans for my hard work? It would also be fun to team up with someone who could show me the ropes "ingame" so my steam id is: blizzak and timezone is GMT+1 so preferably someone from the same or neighbouring timezones! :) Cheers from Sweden guys!