... spawn locations are pretty fixed, although the spawned items do vary. Weapons: town hall, hotel, churches, firestations in cherno or elektro. Although there's plenty of loot to be had, these places also tend to be filled with bandits. Look around for barns and large buildings - these often have shotguns/enfield. Better weapons in crashsites/airstrips/baracks but these are incredibly dangerous places. My personal opinion: the only real danger on servers is bandits. Run around, zombies will follow at the same speed. Run indoors and zombies will follow you in and move slowly. So learn where the larger buildings are, run around for a bit then go into one of these building and run out the other side, the zombies that followed you in will be slow and by the time they make it out you'll be long gone and they will have lost interest Learning am afraid. The housing models are reused, so eventually you'll be able to recognise buildings that you can enter just from sight