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Ande (DayZ)

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About Ande (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ande (DayZ)

    Could I run & Am I allowed?

    A lil bump :rolleyes:
  2. Ande (DayZ)

    Could I run & Am I allowed?

    Thanks for the replies so far ;) One of the guys I met in internet played DayZ with pirated version of Arma 2, and he got banned Thats what made me think that is it "legal" to play with demo. Most likely I'm going to buy CO after receiving the computer parts. :):)
  3. Hello! So, I just ordered new parts for my new computer which are : i5-3570k Radeon 7850 1gb 8gigs of ram (ofc other ones too, not posting them) Could I run DayZ well? In cities too? Does anyone have ideas of the average framerate on low / med graphics? And other question. I know it is POSSIBLE to run DayZ with OA and the demo of Arma 2 But is it allowed? Do we really have to buy CO? or is just OA and demo of Arma 2 enough?
  4. Ande (DayZ)

    Could I run & Average framerate?

    Anyone else has experience? I'd like to get the closest average framerate as possible
  5. Hello! First, I'm really sorry if this is in the wrong section. Feel free to move this to correct section if so. So I'm considering about buying a new computer (so I cannot use systemrequirementslab yet) and since Combined Operations has reduced price in Steam at the moment, so I would like to get it now. The computer has : Intel Core i5 3450 3,1GHz MSI Radeon 6850 1gb 8gb of RAM 1Tb Hard Drive I'd like to get an answer from a person with approximately the same setup So Can I run DayZ about 40 fps or more with that setup? I had a look at the hardware requirements/recommended, and according to that I should be able to run DayZ fine, but often I see the recommended setup also having low fps