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Everything posted by Flufflez

  1. Flufflez

    Suspected hackers on US1114

    wewt, i knew i did some damage to that thing! Buuuuut yeah, i can tell you for sure me or anybody else on the server that im involved with is hacking, if there's any suspicious stuff goin on its usually just us logging in and out trying to fix graphical bugs, or jem getting stupid glitches that kill him
  2. mind if i join up with you guys too? :)
  3. Hi im fairly new to DayZ, I've played for serveral hours and im looking for some people that might want to team up ^.^ Steam ID is Flufflez send me a message if you're interested
  4. ive been playing for a bit not an expert or anything but im willing to play with you :)
  5. im up for joining you guys too, ive got teamspeak,vent and such.