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About WickedTruth

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  1. WickedTruth

    players are dropping real low

    I haven't played in almost two weeks... it's not because I got bored of the game... really I'm just tired of all the hackers.. from my experiences you've got about a 75% chance to run into a hacker on any server with more than 10 players... Tents/Vehicles not saving right, Tears from the barbed wire etc... I realize it's in alpha/beta, but after a while the frustrations from these thing build up.. So for now, I've moved on to another game, same has happened with several of the people I play with as well... we're just gonna wait for the stand alone.... Oh and another factor was suddenly not being able connect to any servers... so.. Tired of the headache of troubleshooting once a week, tired of hackers, tired of bugs.. I'd say a lot of people are getting to the same point.. nothing against the game, but now that there's gonna be a stand alone, only the hardcore beta testers are gonna stick around for all of it
  2. WickedTruth

    Best Gun For Close Range Players?

    My personal favorite is the FN FAL, a single burst is usually enough to kill someone, semi auto for longer ranges, very deadly gun with some decent iron sights... MK 48 as a close second, full auto, high ammo capacity, reflex sight makes aiming easy.. I play a lot of night servers, so I carry an AN/PVS, and keep a MK 48 in my pack...As for the AKM, twice somone using that has gotten the drop on me, and both times they failed to kill me on the initial barrage, 1 finished me because I was a noob and tried to hide instead of return fire, the second ate half an fn fal mag and died before I bled out...makes me think it has poor accuracy... The only downsides to those two weapons are the rare(ish) ammo
  3. WickedTruth

    Most intense hour of DayZ EVAR!!

    Oh and I forgot the Creepy part of the night... after the 4th kill, the 3 invaders left the server along with everyone else, my buddy and I were checking out the camp seeing what was taken, when I see a survivor in a female skin running towards the bus, I called it out, my buddy was like dude we're the only people in here... I watched her run up the hill to the bus and disappear behind a tree... I checked the player list myself while she was in sight... we were alone... I shit a brick, cause I know I saw a chick running towards the bus... Creepy ghost chick, I salute you...
  4. So I was getting ready to log into DayZ for the night, when I get a skype call from my buddy, says our base has been raided, UAZ, URAL, and Off-Road Truck all gone, I tell him I'm gonna step outside for a smoke while my game starts up... Come back in and can hear him yelling through the headphones, I just got killed!! I'm thinking YAY action for me! Logged in and had a 3k meter run to the camp... I sneak up the northern hill overlooking our camp, and just watch, keep in mind it's a fairly large area, spread across hills and valley's for about 400 meters... Anyway I'm sitting there when my buddy tells me he's coming in from the south, I spot him coming down the hill, and he decided to play bait, runs out into an open section near his body and that of a bandit he killed before the others got him... Naturally he get's popped, Now I know for sure there's someone else near me, I slowly start creepin down the hill, when I suddenly see a bandit run behind a tree 40m in front of me, he passes the tree and stops outside of cover, Boom! Headshot, he goes down... I immediately turn tail and run back up the hill to watch some more... 10 minutes passes and I see nothing, so I move down, check his body, He's using a DMR, not the guy that killed my buddy, sounded like an MK 48(I had one stored in my tent) So I'm on high alert again, I move to the northwestern side of camp to watch the bandit and my fallen comrade's body... Another 10 minutes passes, When I start seeing a flashlight flickering just down the hill from me.. Again I slowly make my way back east into a position to better see the cluster of tents.. I see a survivor trying to loot my buddy's body, Boom Boom Boom, a single burst takes him down... Once again I turn tail to run back up the hill and relocate my vantage point, I don't make it back up the hill.. Boom Boom Boom from a tree directly in front of me an MK 48 tears into me, I go down, broken legs, badly bleeding, I Immediately open fire towards the muzzle flashes that continue trying to cut me down, I empty an entire 20 round mag into the unknown assailant, I pause to reload, hear silence, followed by a shaky sigh of relief, I managed to kill him by the skin of my teeth... Under 4k blood.. I'm badly shaken by the encounter, bandage and morphine, eat and drink, relocate once again... another 15 minutes passes, when I begin seeing another flashlight coming from my west, I briefly catch a glimpse of the guy before he disappears into the trees.. 5 minutes later I see the flashlight again this time up the hill to my east, he's being cautious, shines the flashlight directly at me, I back away, wondering if he saw me.. See him again running down the hill, it was the first bandit I killed, trying to loot the bodies... Bloodloss played a factor, my bursts are going high, I switch to semi, pop two more shots for the kill.. Shortly after that all 3 of these bandits logged out... I was glad too, my hands were shaking, my heart was pumping, I needed a smoke... Body Count:4:2 Bandits/2Murders(jewgle and william when they came back trying to loot bodies) Total Deaths: 7 Juu:2 Jewgle:2 William:2 No:1 Kudo's to William, No, and Mcjewgle mynoodle for not alt-f4'in out... Best DayZ experience to date...
  5. When I'm scanning the tree line for bandits while at my son's soccer practice..
  6. WickedTruth

    Bad Serial number given in setup

    I had this problem last night, Do as this guy says, close out all things related to Arma, Exit out of steam, Run Steam as Admin, Verify both, wait a few minutes, run Arma II first, then OA, Then CO, that fixed the problem for me, though I have been seeing others that said doing this didn't work for them..
  7. WickedTruth

    Temperature gauge not working

    My temp gauge was working... flashing, built a fire it then turned solid black... after that it's stopped working period.. doesn't change color at all and i've gotten sick twice in the last 48 hours...
  8. WickedTruth

    Increase the difficulty of zombies

    Just hit the highlights of what I like and don't like: -Smell Blood +5 Great Idea -Badder Zombies +2 It'd be nice but isn't necessary -Forrest Zombies +0 Not too big on this, I think the game would lose some of it's suspense if you were being chased by zombies everywhere you went -New Methods of Attack +3 I'd like to see something like this, it'd make zombies more of a threat overall -More Broken Bones +1 Again another nice Idea but not necessary to make the game better, though it would be nice to not have to crawl to a hospital from BFE -NOM NOM NOM +0 I don't really see much of a point in giving changing the way food works -Leftover Turrets -5 You're just asking for people to camp these and shoot everything in sight, Snipers in Noob areas are bad enough you don't want to give them fortification -Flare Guns +0 There's already one, it's called the M16A2 M203, it fires Frags, Smoke, and Flares(white/green) -On Fire -3 while it would be nice to see, the novelty of it would wear off quick, and a lot of players are already having enough frame rate problems without trying to render a city full of flaming zombies All in all, some good suggestions, others I'm not that big of a fan... Just my personal Opinions though
  9. WickedTruth


    So me and my buddy Tex are on a very low population server(me, him, wreckless, and another guy) chilling in cherno using zombies for target practice and participating in some general jackassery.. I'm in the southwestern apartments across from the hospital shooting zombies from the windows, Tex is on the tall 6 story building with the open stairwell... I get bored and decide I'm gonna head back down and move to another building for a better vantage point for more target practice... Start walking down the steps and suddenly get lit up through the window, breaking my legs.. Totally caught me off guard.. Seems Wreckless had heard our jackassery and waited on the hospital roof for me to head back down.. Well soon as my legs break I try to hide behind the wall, but my face didn't want to fit and Wreckless finished me off... 5 days of survival ended over some bored fun... I had all the survival necessities, NV, MK 48 Mod 0, M4A3 CCO... But the good news, instead of making a run for my body, Wreckless tries to run around the back side of the apartment and promptly eats 30 rounds of Tex's SAW... No major damage done, I got all my stuff back.. Just wanted to give Wreckless a shout out for catching me with my pants down... Just goes to show if you're on a low pop. server just trying to dick around with some friends you still gotta keep an eye out for other players... Nice try dude
  10. Same as this guy above me, sent a friend request on steam, I'd like to join up with you fellas, tired of the lone wolf style... I've got a mic and skype, PM on here or Steam when you get a chance and I'll give you my skype.. Peace.
  11. WickedTruth

    Loot piles not spawning - WTF?

    I seem to be having this same problem, I walked through Kamenka and didn't find a damn thing, no cans, nothing.. well I found one bandage in the entire town, hit up the deer stand to the northeast and it was empty as well.... Noticed an odd thing though, on my previous life, I was in cherno gathering loot just fine then all of a sudden I watched 3 loot piles completely disappear as if someone hit the erase button... I didn't have this problem until today, right after everyone in the server I was on got teleported into the air and killed... I've tried switching servers, closing out and restarting the game, and I still get the same problem... Seems the zombies don't pay much attention to me either, stood next to one for about a minute before he finally noticed me... Any help with this would be much appreciated.. the game isn't too fun running around dodging zombies and getting no loot