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Everything posted by Incident

  1. Oh yeah, it was to specifically ask if the modders of DayZ can import models and textures to the game. If someone would be kind enough to explain what they can and can't change, or link me to something similar, I'd appreciate it.
  2. He's blocked PMs, so I left a message on his profile. Doesn't look like he's going to respond. I've found an Indie game that could use help, so whatever.
  3. Yeah, I found that odd. Guess I'll send him a PM and drop by later.
  4. I model/texture props and environments. I don't have much to show, so I'm looking to help out with mods like this for experience.
  5. Why would you move this to new player discussion? I don't even own the game, because steam hates me.
  6. I'm a really bored modeler. Do they need any resources?