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Everything posted by RJStigo

  1. RJStigo

    DayZ Stories

    Alrighty, I don't want to be called a bandit... but I kinda had to be one here. A buddy and I were running to Staroye for some food. We DESPERATELY needed food, like, really bad. We're at the edge of this farm, somewhat in the trees, when we see this female character running down the field. Didn't what she was holding so I simply said, "Josh, hit the floor bro! I see someone!" We both hit the floor and just watch him. As we were watching this guy/girl running to this small gas station, I pull out my binoculars and watch this guy. He was looked in our direction and he lied down on the ground over this small hill. I think he saw us. I could see the tip of his backpack and then he got up and ran. As soon as he got up, I saw that he had a hatchet. "Josh! Josh! He only has a hatchet! Charge him! Go!" My buddy and I both ran around into the trees and popped out the side where he was kneeling in the middle of the road, looking for us. Josh pops him once with his Lee Enfield and I saw the blood spatter. He ran down the field to his right and I popped him a few times; once in the leg and the other in the shoulder. "Just chase him! He's bleeding, he will just pass out eventually!" We chased him down the road a little ways and he just slung to the ground. We finished off the zombies we aggro'd and waited. He became conscious and I popped him a few times in the head. Josh looted the body and found some food. Took the food and logged since the server was getting to overpopulated. (We were playing on server with around 20ish and we looked again and it was over 30, almost 40. Which is too much for us since we were noobs at the time. It's amazing how little you play this game and now we feel like experts.)