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About jeremynative.com

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  1. why are there basically NO GUNS or a SINGLE GUN at the military posts? im at a airstrip that is completely military and it has a bunch of dead soldiers with no guns, no equipment, just a bunch of empty tin cans and walking zombies with ammo clips now i know why military is dead...started out with no guns i guess
  2. jeremynative.com

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    sniper rifle isnt that bad the glitch that makes your character a big black blob and visible from 1000 meters away without zoom is the problem
  3. jeremynative.com

    Spawn Protection

    how can they kill you when neither of you have weapons
  4. jeremynative.com


    yea this game isnt really a zombie survival simulator its a starvation/murderer avoiding simulator, there arent enough zombies and they dont do anything unless you go afk in a town, standing up, in the road, during the daytime, only if you are unarmed, in certain towns
  5. jeremynative.com

    Wall of fire - Hacker ?

    i saw it too, didnt do any damage just looked like a huge wall of fire
  6. jeremynative.com

    Drink your own piss?

    so you would rather die than drink your own piss
  7. jeremynative.com

    dogs in day z

    the more it is like real life the better...
  8. jeremynative.com

    Regenerating blood

    this is a great suggestion. it is insane that zombies do so much damage and their bleed usually does a few 1000 damage from a single zombie while you run away. then when you get below 8000 you have a chance of getting knocked out and its basically game over
  9. jeremynative.com

    need more bikes

    i havnt seen a bike yet but i have probably ran 50 miles in 2 days. i have taped together pennies to stack on the up arrow while i go to the bathroom. please make the game travling viably fun and realistic. do russians not have cars and bikes? i have seen more working helicopters than cars and bikes... bikes are good because they slightly increase speed, they are dangerous in exchange for convinience, and slow enough to shoot the rider so the game doesnt become too easy to run away or just move spawns generally close to large towns. who enjoys spawning at the edge of the map in a large forest or in a town of 2 buildings that in it's entirety contains 3 tin cans?
  10. jeremynative.com

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    this games pointless without hats
  11. jeremynative.com


    the vehicles are very rare it sucks because te map is so big. i found a quad once and drove it 3 mins before i disconnected,i guess going fast is too difficult for the servers. i logged in and it was gone yet i was still alive :( i found 2 boats also, one with no gas and one with gas that went only 14mph....
  12. jeremynative.com

    How To Increase FPS/Smooth Out The Game

    the top two comments tell you how to do it with steam in the youtube video..
  13. jeremynative.com

    How To Increase FPS/Smooth Out The Game

    thanks i went from lowest settings to medium/high
  14. jeremynative.com

    Realistic to shoot on site?

    perhaps he thought people should act the same way they do in video games like you; are you more like him than we are?
  15. jeremynative.com

    Stuck at Character Creation Screen
