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Everything posted by GromTheBarbarian

  1. GromTheBarbarian

    Camp location: US345 Grid: X=003 Y=023

    nothing there, but it looks like a great spot for overwatch sniping so... a trap.
  2. GromTheBarbarian

    The Battle of Vybor

    That's an awesome story IMHO One of the things that make DayZ the most memorable game I've played in 5+ years.
  3. Use the Alt+F4 command next time instead of Alt+Tab.
  4. GromTheBarbarian

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    Trade went successful with FishisTwonk, Almost got thunderdome'd on route to the trade meet but was able to survive and exchange goods. Trustworthy.
  5. GromTheBarbarian

    Looking for a few good men!

    Heyo, I'll be willing to join your group. Added you on Steam.
  6. GromTheBarbarian

    Looking for a third wheel.

    Hey there mate, PM'ed ya on your profile, couldn't find you on steam either. I can definitely provide what you're lookin' for (not to be taken out of context).